Agree. I loved Loki. It was something truly original and well written for once.
Agree. I loved Loki. It was something truly original and well written for once.
You are not too bright are you.
Tu Quoque logical fallacy.
You understand what this is, right? This is a form of pogrom. So liberals will leave these states and there will be no fear of turning the states purple or blue.
It is widely known that people who can kick somebodies ass, and have already long ago given themselves a permission slip to kick somebodies ass, do not announce they will kick somebodies ass prior to the ass kicking.
Wait. So marrying somebody you love hurts the men you did not marry? This is the “logic” you are going with?
No. He isn’t. Because it’s the most cynical thing he can do is ride on her death to elevate his own bullshit grievances about “cancel culture.”
You should be directing you ire to the pricks that spread disinformation that got her father killed. But of course you don’t because you agree with those pricks.
Hey dipshit.
This is delusional.
Let me summarize this post everyone.
Hahahaha. “Answers” Hahaha. I can also supply “answers.”
They hilariously mistimed this freak show thinking that the Trump indictments are coming down yesterday.
That guy is never making it to fifty. Every interview he gives is like an expiration date stamp.
Rightwing dudes are such whiny sad sacks. I thought they were all supposed to be carnivore CrossFit stoics.
These hearings are so hilarious.
Then call it something else.
“Appear” doing the heavy lifting there.
No it is not. I work for several foundations that compile all year public health data for all sort of NGO and government use.
Vaccines weren’t available but testing, masks and distancing protocols were. And the Red Counties failed to do any of those.