
Yeah. Man, it must be tough to be worth a couple hundred million dollars. It’s just like the holocaust.

No they were not made up. It’s just the mass hysteria generally came later after what we mistakenly call the Dark Ages.

The life expectancy thing is still controversial. Most ancient and even middle ages commoners were not permanently buried in most places but often exhumed and/or burned.Those buried in mass graves the bones were often then later puverized and put to use.

Nonsense. DO delete your twitter account. Nobody needs Twitter.

And it’s called a Tu Quoque logical fallacy nested inside false equivalence fallacies.

Okay. Back to the TV room with you Grandma. Mattlock is on.

That’s not the insult you think, Broflake.

Oh for fuck sake. Biden won precisely because the democrats wisely didn’t stick with idiotic slogans like “abolish the police.”

Sure the Republicans did not totally storm the gates. But they didn’t need to.

Musk and doctor Oz are intellectuals to you?

The Celebrities that you elevate and give endless column space to?

I have much better method. First calculate the number of drivers on US roads in any given year. Then calculate the number of people trapped in their car’s underwater every year. Than the number deaths that result. Then you have the math to calculate your probability of dying trapped under water in your car.

Good. It became total gibberish.

Anyone still on Twitter is similar to anyone still voting Republican. At best you are collaborating in proto-fascism, at worst you ARE a fascist.

Her talents aside, I have absolutely no sympathy for the supposed ego bruises for anyone like her. Yes. She is talented. But how could she not be with that pedigree, investment and surroundings?

Show me where Maya Rudolph was hurt first.

Aww. So I guess we just let the Billionaires, Nazi’s, Christian Nationalists and douche bags control the worlds largest propaganda system because people ostensibly known for imagining the future simply cannot imagine a way to tell their pew pew elf spaceship laser stories any other way but on this one Nazi Platform?

Let me take a moment to rephrase the premise of this article:

You can say you care. But you only have so many hours in the day to DO anything about it.

What a load of bullshit