Jesus. Once again Jezebel refuses to acknowledge what satire is so they can squint their eyes and cobble together the 509th iteration of the same off-base bad faith deconstruction.
Jesus. Once again Jezebel refuses to acknowledge what satire is so they can squint their eyes and cobble together the 509th iteration of the same off-base bad faith deconstruction.
She can still vote on and or block votes on bills.
Well, if you believe that bullshit, then you have two choices. Get a gun and start a civil war killing the people you think are the threat to your existence.
Well that’s all great. Good for her. But she doesn’t have to compete then, either. Like that is not part of her “transition.”
I live here and I agree. It’s not just the fault of right-wingers.
Not really even“conservative.” Just more rightwing socially regressive and filled with religious extremists.
Well. If I could I would take thier guns away. All of them. Except single-shot bolt action long guns .30-06 cabler and under and break-action shot guns.
You honestly should be ashamed of this idiotic article and it should be deleted.
Cops did absolutely nothing? Au Contraire. They got praise from their governor, substantial hiring bonus’s, pay raises, and overtime.
Willow is one of those weird movies in that I can admit that objectively its deeply flawed and probably not that good.
None of this “moderation” will do shit. First it’s simply impossible. It will rely on the same flawed algorithms that take nothing to weaponize. And most these dirtbags post with sock puppets anyway.
You ever notice that kids of the rich executives at the major arms manufacturers are never shot in these schools nor are the gun lobbyists kids.
Where the fuck have you been the last … for fucking ever? Jesus Christ. You have to be intentionally being a clueless asshole here. Because it would take five minutes to Google the hundreds even thousands of cases of women being pressured into civil settlements etc by the companies of their harassers.
Musk literally described himself as a free speech absolutist, dipshit.
Bring awareness to who?
Not only less able to fight back. But a pro-russian stooge was in power.
“If the world had responded more forcefully to the annexation of Crimea”
“telling them to feel grateful is...”
I am curious as to what specific actions they feel the jurists at Cannes can employ to stop Russian war crimes in Ukraine?
One of two things is going to happen He will explode in a productive creative renaissance like Robert Downey Jr. did. Or he will be dead of an OD in five years.