Oh. No. Not in Europe in the 14th century. Plague. It literally decimated life expectancies. Even beyond child and infant mortality.
Oh. No. Not in Europe in the 14th century. Plague. It literally decimated life expectancies. Even beyond child and infant mortality.
Well Matt Damon is 50 and Driver is only 37.
Oof. That was a ridiculously not scary amalgam of tired tropes, out right plagiarized shots and dull cliche’s.
Everyone knows in the olden times everything was tinted blue!
This is on the “increase” because think about WHO is flying the most during a pandemic? MAGA Death Cult dip shits that’s who. They walk on the aircraft locked and loaded for a conspiracy fueled confrontation.
Jesus Christ. Just own up to a mistake. FFS.
Dude. That is a stretch. How many white supremacist organizations have open calls for people born in Syria? He is not “white.” Go ask anyone form north Africa, Egypt, Syria, the Arabian peninsula, Iraq, or Iran if they consider themselves or are considered white. I mean come on. You made a bad assumption. Just own up.…
“I’m angry that the first thing that I, along with a lot of others jump to is that when a mass shooting happens, it’s statistically a straight, cis-gender white male.”
The South African Apartheid Regime was in a nation with a black majority and a white minority. You are claiming that then that the white apartheid regime could not be racist? Of course you are not.
It went to food banks, dipshit.
FFS. It’s hardly been a month asshole and you preemptively claimed Biden a total failure even before that. So yeah. You can go fuck yourself.
Nope. If my wife lost her mind and told me she wanted to drag the kids on an international trip DURING A GOD DAMNED PANDEMIC I would to tell her to go fuck herself and call a divorce lawyer after she’s done booking tickets.
I can see her posters now “Aunt Lydia says: Vote Ordinary. Vote Huckabee Sanders.”
“Nah, facts don’t care about your feelings.”
This movie was the insult to the injury of 2020.
My rep too. She is the BEST! Seriously. Competent, principled, funny. It’s a shame she can’t run for president.