Abortion Drone

It was her actual name. Her parents came forward and said they were not ashamed to name her, as an act of combating the social stigma around rape.

As an Indian woman, I have been sad, resigned and furious about what is happening. However it is not really surprising that he has been released. Laws take time to change. “Authorities” didn’t refuse to change the law. Unless you want to undermine our Supreme Court who demanded better and clearer provisions to the law

And her name was Jyoti Singh, since she was not named in the article. Remember her name.

In the US he would have been tried as an adult. I am going to describe what they did to her which is likely to be triggering but it’s important to know how horrifying this was.

“And, though there is something non-ignorable and, frankly, embarrassing about the show’s lack of racial diversity”

You mention adoration, and I think that’s such an interesting idea when someone is attracted to someone who is an artist. I feel like I see this all the time among men who are attracted to artistic women - he loves her because she represents this dream of the feminine ideal, and he wants to possess her in a way, and

As New York points out, though, the film does use one heavily-cited statistic that’s looking shakier all the time: the assertion that most campus rapes are committed by just a handful of serial rapists. The study that produced that assertion has lately been heavily criticized, and a subsequent study this summer found

If you want uncertainty, then flip a coin and decide whether to get the IUD based on the outcome of the coin toss. This method can be used to apply extra uncertainty to any situation, if you really want it. If you’re nostalgic for the days when cars were less safe, just flip a coin to decide whether to wear a seatbelt!

These discussions are always so focused on ourselves. Pregnancy by definition involves multiple people (a partner in reproduction who also consents to becoming a parent, a future child). Creating a whole new human being shouldn’t be a matter of “whoops”, and there’s no reason to be nostalgic about a time when it more

Not all babies need to happen.

Well, I certainly don’t approve of what they did but you know, Republicans are always saying they want immigrants to really embrace the American way of life.

Thanks for this. What’s more annoying than anything is people who post kitten gifs on stories dealing with police brutality in the black community. I’m sorry that you can’t deal with our truths, but we don’t have the luxury of inserting cat gifs into our daily life struggles.

PDs all over the country have been doing this to black children, commonly males for generations. Don’t act like this is new.

I mean, it’s so clear that people think we’ve been making shit up or were just being dramatic to excuse [insert some shite argument about pathology and respectability here].

white people are the devil

I loooooooove the fact so many people are shocked and outraged at things they’ve heard and largely ignored from black people sine reconstruction. I think Dave Chapelle had a stand up bit about this very thing when I was in like middle school

It is saying that people are bad for engaging in certain kinks, though. That was the original stance. That’s the stance now rather frequently, if you keep talking with people. And honestly, “you’re not a bad person for engaging in things we think are harmful, we just want you to be aware that you’re doing it” is such

Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.

My drunk uncle slipped on his own piss and fell out of a second story window. He also groped my brother’s wife.

Going on a film’s grosses is an idiotic means to measure a film’s worth: The Hurt Locker earned only $15 million in total...and this was after the boost that winning an Oscar normally gives. By your money standards, Selma is more than three times a better film than The Hurt Locker. (Selma earned more without having