So no one should ever speak of their experiences unless they have certifiable PD approved evidence?
So no one should ever speak of their experiences unless they have certifiable PD approved evidence?
Really, everyone? Because I remember one Asian woman doing so and a whole lotta white people doing yellowface. But that’s just like, reverse racism, right?
As a survivor of abuse, I’m rather inclined to believe people when they say ‘so and so assaulted/raped/abused/etc me.’ Just how I roll, but after reading NON GOSSIP SITE reports on the allegations...they seem kind of fishy. :/
Gender and Sexuality 101: Gender and sexuality are two different concepts, gender does not necessarily dictate sexual orientation and vice versa.
Their pronouns are they/theirs/them. Stop referring to them as ‘him.’
Right, so because all religions do bad things we just shouldn’t talk about it in case we make a believer uncomfortable. Nah.
‘A step too far?’ Like canonizing a pedophile con man isn’t too far? Like saying Black people are cursed wasn’t too far? Like being instrumental in the repeal of marriage equality in California wasn’t too far? Like saying women are less than men isn’t too far?
Most of the Mormons in UT are saying ‘it’s the will of God so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯’ Speaking out against church directives is blasphemy and grounds for excomunnication. Your friend is definitely in the minority. Source: Utahn.
It’s really not the general consensus tho. Most of these are already inactive members, so not Mormon at all but just want their names off the registry.
It’s really not mass though and most are already inactive. Basically already not Mormon, just want their name taken off their registers. Sorry. Killjoy Utahn here. :/
I wish it were, these are mostly if not all already inactive members. Pretty much non Mormons who just want their names of the roster.
That’s the Salt Lake temple.
Sorry to disappoint but these are already inactive members, non Mormons who just want their names off the rosters.
They’ll fight tooth and nail to keep their numbers and make taking your name off their registry a huge hassle. Inactive members constantly get hit up to ‘reconcile’ their tithing (give the church that hates them money), harassed by missionaries, excluded and discriminated against in job opportunities, socially…
No, these are people who are already inactive. Basically not Mormon at all but still on the roster.
Lol, what world do you live in where protecting your emotional health and sanity is ‘more harmful’ than literal, actual abuse?
Right? They literally cannot just take a woman’s word as a valid experience, it has to be filtered through the prism of maleness in order to be worthwhile.
Exactly. It’s no longer quite as bankable to be a virulent, unabashed misogynist so they’ve changed the rules, but are still playing.
Hey, Ellie Schechet, maybe you should call a spade a spade. Roman Polanski did not have ‘drug fueled sex’ with a 13 year old. He drugged and raped her, but by all means, if that seems too icky for you go ahead and downplay it.
Yeah...I felt really bad because (and I’m willing to admit I probably didn’t handle it the best) coming off the heels of leaving my own abusive household, I literally just could not listen to her talk about how awful he was all the time and ask for my advice and then just...stay. I had no choice in my parents but she…