
I’m a PC owner and I always plan to buy a graphic card which can run games for the next 3 or 4 years. Of course you can run games on ultra the first year, but you can still run games on high graphics for the last 2 or 3 years which is still better than consoles in term of graphics and frame rate…

I agree it costs a lot

Physical media is not on a decline. Sony wants it to be on a decline, so they are encouraging it by removing the capability to play UHD Blu-Ray. Remember, they are the ones that control the hardware, not us. We can say anything we like, but the truth is that it’s the hardware manufacturer’s decision.

I Really don’t understand the major backlash.

As someone stated earlier before in one of the other threads , it’s not always the more powerful console that wins.
Look at the 360 vs PS3.

The problem I see is... IS THIS GOOD STORY TELLING? Is it a good character arc if you are ALREADY famous and beloved, is it a good story if you dont have any failures or downswings to curve back up from?

Half-Life 2 has great level design but it’s gameplay systems as is leave a lot to be desired.

Even considering that HL2 is praised for its gameplay, plenty of people liked the story back in 2004, with many people telling me they play it all the time for it.

But the question that needs to be raised, if HL is all about gameplay, is: Could a Half-Life 3 really find success in 2016 or later, where a storyline in

I mean, Half-Life 2 itself wasn’t that good, and Max Payne 2 had better physics implementation, as did FEAR, which came out just a year later. Valve might be waiting to make a great game, but really, all they need to do is make their game easy and then constantly tell players how great they are. It worked for Half-Life

AI doesn’t always have to be complex to be compelling.

I thought the enemies in DOOM were fine, they all had their previous counterparts so there is a level of expectation to how they fight, to me anyway!

Surprisingly, it was the pinkies that got me the most, waaaaay tougher than I expected and much later in the game you come across them. I was sat there, charged cannon

You obviously didn’t play uncharted on the harder difficulties. There were many situations where as I approached them differently, the enemies compensated and reacted differently as well. FEAR was great for this as well.

Wait, wait....did you just talk trash about Uncharted 2??

enemies NEED to be somewhat generic. They are an army.

It’s not. Plenty of games, from FEAR to Halo, have had great enemy AI. My game’s not there yet, but it’s definitely not taxing my programmers to create great AI now. It’s all about coming up with interesting behavior contrasts.

Early era shooters tended to do this much better, probably because no one knew what they were doing and there was a lot more experimenting.

Resident Evil series.

sadly the DOOM 4 cyberdemon is a huge step back considering how awesome the original looked, but I like all the other enemies redesign. (and the game is the best fps we ever had since Quake 1 probably)

It also deserves hard as fuck bosses to make those special ammo/guns worth collecting.