
maybe if we stopped pretending like it's cute to wear someone down, we could then also stop pretending it's not okay to say yes, too. They go hand in hand...empowering people to make decisions they want by respecting and trusting them when they say what those wishes are.

Touché. That is, until some guy from Siberia calls YOU out for being a whiner. :)

Aww, you think Argentina has slow speeds? Come to Antarctica and THEN we'll talk about slow internet speeds. Whiner.

The Boondocks did an episode where MLK didnt actually die, but was just in a coma until the modern day. I thought it was pretty good.

Christopher Hitchens. Fuck all the other suggestions. The world is a bleak pile of sanctimonious bullshit with him gone.

I'd want to bring back Ronald Reagan. WAIT A MINUTE HEAR ME OUT!

Animal abuse. It gives me major sads.

"Meth addiction. Turns you into a virtual human zombie who is willing to stab family members to death just to get your hands on a $20 bill. And that's the FUN part, before your teeth rot and you go through withdrawal and start sweating blood and stuff."

IMPO: Penis; large or small does not really matter, what matters, is how big an asshole it is attached to.

Is it really that difficult to google the definition of atheism?

I tried enjoying Trine 2, but was really surprised how phoned-in the writing is. The narrator, visuals and music all clicked with me, but quality of the story seemed so generic and without personalty that I lasted about an hour.

Prometheus was wore than 3 and R.

Even Aliens should have been erased from canon imo. Yes it's a good movie, yes it's way better than what came after since. But, it's still not in anyway (in my opinion of course) similar in tone and atmosphere with the first one, Alien. Alien is a fucking horror movie, it's about a crew of people, normal people, not

This better have a light-field display like the HoloLens/MagicLeap claim to have, or it'll fry your eyes after longer use.

Being old, I can confirm that Five Nights at Freddy's is not scary.

Neither do atheists. In a broad sense, atheism is the lack of belief in God/s. Agnosticism is concerned with knowledge, not belief. For example youre an agnostic atheist if you dont believe in God but dont claim to know it and youre a gnostic theist if you do believe and claim you are certain of it.

Not to get into a long rant but..
Currently atheists are trying to create subdivisions to further clarify each possibility.

Hey, hey, the second part of the full game is only a couple years late! Probably should have saved some of that 3.3 mil for programmers and artists, rather than paying the star-studded cast of Tim Schafer's friends.

Half of it. So it is a half delivery. Like ordering a burger, but you only got the buns and condiments, but are still waiting on the burger, but you can eat the bun and condiments now if you want.