
Why the hell does SOUTH PARK always get a free pass? Oh sure, the creators can make fun of Jews and Mormons all day long, but if anyone else does, everyone LOSES their MINDS. I know that some of you are going to respond in a flippant and combative manner, and you know what? Go ahead. If you aren't mature enough to

I wasn't a backer but if I was- if I had donated my money to help these guys realize a cool project like this- I'd be pretty pissed if what I got was half of a game and then they said "Okay, now everybody go buy it so we can afford to make the other half."

Most of the people that keep on talking about how hard this is are actually children from "back in the day"

I'll go ahead and say it: I HATE that this is how Obsidian are spending any part of their time.

Ron Perlman was also Clayface in Batman the Animated Series.

It shoudln't just be gaming sites but also media sites as well if we want net neutrality just about of media outlet needs to get involved much like how SOPA was happening.

Why do I feel like we just fell behind in innovative technology by several decades?

...Isn't corporate greed wonderful?

The drug isn't called Nintendo, the drug is called Ecstasy...

Sadly, the first Resident Evil movie is one of the BETTER video game movies, alongside Mortal Kombat and Tomb Raider...

What is "Ninty"?

You never go ass to mouth!

They revised their earnings from a $900 Million profit to a $300 Million loss (ie: a shift of around $1.2 Billion!). They're not going to go bankrupt by any means, but that is certainly a money problem.


Any inside information on the next Nintendo failure is at this point a giant wish list, and even if stolen right off Iwatas desk isn't solid enough to matter

Why do you assume it will only "last" one year? It's not as if consoles are getting upgraded over their lifespan either. Say you buy an Xbox One and also a Steam Machine that is comparable in both price and performance to that Xbox One.

I have a western friend living in Japan. They have some of the politest racists in the world.

Cyrano had a big nose and its a play and a movie of a french man who was a hero, a true historic figure in fact, he updated the play to modern times.......

Huh? This is an commercial, not an adult comedy. You can't compare them. However, it's worth noting comedic anime has racist jokes sometimes and much like how SP isn't noted here, the anime isn't.

You are free to use it. In turn, we are free to judge it as a shallow gag that relies on the racist notion that a Japanese person cannot speak English properly.

As Someone who also lived longterm (2 years) in Japan I know exactly what you mean about Japanese only bars/resturaunts/establishments. And yes this ad is mildly offensive by comparision but I guess the reason to take notice is that perhaps the reason that an ad like this is made is because of the same thoughts and