
The new Intergalactic Supermodel Barbie!

YouTube owes these guys A LOT. A fair portion of YouTube's top channels are GAMING channels. These channels are monetized and YouTube gets a cut. As well, they pull tons of visitors to their site everyday, netting them hits and advertiser dollars.

This buys me nothing. It's a bunch of live tiles, made to be smaller and with fewer available on screen at once. It's a much smaller list of my apps. What is this obsession with having to see all your open windows when in the app launcher? Are we that spacey that we forgot how our windows were laid out the instant

MS can't win.

This sure looks pretty, but there's a reason chrome is chrome. There's no guarantee that this will be unused space on an app. Microsoft's design guidelines certainly urge it to be, but sometimes it isn't (what about video apps or games, for example?)

Yeah - YouTube's Content ID system runs into the typical problems of an all automated system that offers no way to get to a human when things go wrong to sort things out. I've dealt with this system on channels. It flags all kinds of false items and YouTube provides little recourse beyond a web form that goes back

"If you're a gamer, you're playing on PC or consoles."

Wait, how were older PC games anything but instant gratification? Quake especially was the definition of twitch-based, spawn fast and kill kill kill. If anything modern games like CoD and Battlefield don't live up to that same level of instant-gratification and twitch.

A new highspeed Adventure Begins"

Exactly, after the Gears of War series he definitely has a lot to prove that he won't make another cover-shooter grind-fest!

This is like George Lucas saying he's now working on a "proper" action adventure film.

Thank you, you are perhaps the ONE pc gamer I do not despise.

B-b-b-but you get to fly around in the Batwing and stuff... ;)

I've been playing PC games for about 25 years, I've been on Steam for a decade, and still never mention anything about the "PC Master" race. Because that's fucking gay. And it makes all of you sound like 15 year old retards.

Ok so you're just proving to us that you and your friends are wrong. Is NYC an overdone setting? Yes. Is New England an overdone setting? No.

It still feels a bit too "Pay more for less" As the game only gives you 5 masters to play with, instead of 10 in the original and 11 in the expandalone

the publisher of the game has already paid for the music licensing which accompany's the gamplay vids. The shitbag copyright troll attorneys just want to scare YT-bers without legal representation into paying up.

You are straight up wrong on that one. We are all free to use content like that for commentary once we legally obtain the item we are commenting on. Whats going on here is a draconian abuse of the DMCA.

And yet these company's support the video streaming that comes with the purchase of an Xbox One or the PS4. Why can't someone make money airing ad's before their videos? You are not making money off the video, just the ads.