
“a who fucking LCD screen”

“Is it worth buying on both to maybe have a better idea of what’s going on for when it comes to PC?”

The Airing of Grievances is a damn good album.

-ER vs -AH.

“apple bought the ideas for the iphone from other inventors who didnt have the financial clout to do it themselves”

“Nervous Breakdown”?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!???????????????!

Prone to nervous breakdown while getting fast food in a customers rare car. Exactly the type of tech I’m looking to hire.

Dude. Tell me more.

Except he fucked up the rims while backing out of the drive-thru.

Oh and

It’s a mastapeece

Is that you, Mark Cerny?

I can get behind this.

It’ll be Operations Lite

The choice is easy. I have a high end PC and no friends.

If I wore a green shirt and a large group of people told me that green shirts meant I hated them, I’d stop wearing green shirts, even though I have a history of wearing green shirts.

I do.

And the way they drive. My boss had one of these and I drove it a couple of times. Maybe the worst interior/handling/visibility I’ve ever experienced.

I got the Rift a couple of weeks ago because of the sale. It’s been amazing, but I wanted to point out that my chunky nerd glasses push the limits of what will fit inside the headset.