Abnormal Fescue

You're right. That makes all the difference. Puts the terrorist murder they committed right in the proper context, it does. They had a permit. Lousy fake news!

I don't get why it's not "good idea" at all, unless we're all afraid of offending conservative Southerners now.

"Quick! What can we ban the transgenders from now?"

That's not a centrist position.

Yeah, Trump will skate as always. What, a Republican congress is going to lift a finger against a Republican president?

Except that makes it easier for mainstream conservatives to claim the whole alt-right thing has got nothing to do with them.

Well, in defense of your mother, she is partially correct. Some elements of both the left and the right are against freedom of speech.

Well, that was the one thing that made conservatives and the NRA miraculously change their minds about gun control…

I thought that could be part of the daughter's delusion/psychosis - she was the last one with the baby after all.

I think I'll have to rewatch it. I couldn't understand half the dialogue so I must have missed quite a bit. I didn't pick up on any of that.

I just watched The Witch the other night. So, witches and evil goat real or hallucination/psychotic delusion?

Yeah, upon second look he's definitely the prettier one.

I can't decide which one is prettier.

We're all morally repugnant now too? Gee, thanks.

"they have no chance…they're like 50 year old dudes"
We middle-aged folk appreciate the reminder that we're now all physically repugnant….

3 million less than a majority.

Even my wife who absolutely loves sappy romcoms thought it was a big pukefest.

A surprisingly attractive man who's totally into moving right by her parents and converting to her religion. As men we all know are wont to do…

His involuntary celibacy is clearly all women's fault!

Are you kidding me? With Trump in office and congress controlled by Republicans, the LAST thing I would want is to give the US government the legal ability to ban speech they don't like.