Abnormal Fescue

I think it just means involuntarily celibate. Because, ya know, it's all women's fault they don't find Daily Stormer type guys attractive…

The message is irrelevant to the argument. The point is that ANYONE has equal rights to express their views in the US, regardless of how loathsome.

Free speech means the government can't legally censor or punish you for your speech. That's pretty much it.

Yeah, that's a slippery slope that I'm glad the US hasn't gone down. Outlaw "hate speech" and then what happens when the political winds change? Then criticism of police or conservative Christianity or anything else becomes "hate speech" too, because those in power get to decide the definition. No thank you. Free

It means Communist sympathizers were not denied their 1st amendment rights either when they were blacklisted by their employers.

Moot point. They haven't lost their free speech rights. Nobody is constitutionally obligated to provide them with an internet platform to articulate their beliefs.

Some loser 30-something virgins find it easier to blame women for their problems than themselves. A convenient target to redirect self-loathing too.

Oh god, give me a break. He certainly does like himself.

Yeah, I rarely just drop a book without finishing it, no matter how bad it is, but this might be one of those cases.

Started reading House of Leaves and desperately trying to stick with it. I'm into the whole experimental format thing and the storyline is compelling but I just can't handle all the pretentious pseudo-academic twaddle and the painfully self-infatuated hipster framing story — when a book starts out with two LA hipsters

umm…maybe? I think?

I'm thinking he possibly has one or two too many…

That blood is just coming from wherever!

Sarcasm, btw. I don't think humor is tied in to the Y chromosome.

Obviously, it's because women aren't funny.

There's no such thing as HEB.

Did people really think Trader Joe's had a bunch of their own little dedicated factories cranking this stuff out?

Weirdo Rupert Pupkin style celebrity stalkers I always assumed.

I'm not trying to do that at all. That's just what I remember from college.

From my PoliSci 101 classes I seem to remember fascism is basically ultra nationalism, authoritarianism and a close knit merger of corporate/industrialist and government power, with each working for the direct benefit of the other.