
Can confirm. I use this trick.

If I had a dollar to bet, I would bet that “The authors of these slideshows aren’t thrilled with the slideshows, either, but that the management issued an edict that they have to do one every so often because they drive clicks and ad dollars and these authors really enjoy getting paid so that they can buy food and pay

They are social, and live in nests underground (most hornets) or hanging from houses and trees (most yellowjackets).


Ask first. Say “It looks like you’re having some issues. Would you like some pointers?” and if/when they say “no”, leave them be.

Could’ve been worse.  Could’ve been Suze Randall doing the photos.

Stop trying to turn introverts into extroverts. We don’t want to look people in the eye. Outside is for them, because it’s their time. Their time! Out there! In here, it’s our time. It’s our time in isolation. That’s all over the second we ride up Troy’s bucket to end the quarantine. (I love the Goonies)

As a resident of Central Pennsylvania (aka: Pennsyltucky), please don’t give my racist neighbors any (more) ideas.

KitKat > Twix >>>>>>> Death > Snickers/Reese’s

Sorry about that.  uBlock must have blocked that paragraph ;)

uBlock Origin also works to stop Youtube ads and you don’t have to mess with the URL each time.

Smack them in the head with a 10 foot pole. They get the negative re-enforcement to prevent future issues and you get to maintain proper social distancing.

Cheating at Animal Crossing is the most pathetic waste of time.

I suggest CannonBusters on Netflix.  If for no other reason than the open and closing themes.  They are boss.

Sprouts, romain lettuce, spinach... It’s like God is telling us “Eat more meat”.

None. The answer is none. I don’t fly (medical issues). I drive everywhere. I did a 22hr drive (each way) to Orlando/Tampa last year. The day spent driving is part of the vacation. It’s relaxing and I all interactions with people during those 2 days are kept to an absolute bare minimum, which is a bonus.

I just spent a week at a Comfort Suites hotel. They had multiple inputs on the TV, but I couldn’t switch from the HDMI1 port. The ‘Input’ button on the remote didn’t work or was disabled.

I find a golf club works well.  Doesn’t matter which one, the average toddler is only going 15-20 yards regardless of the angle on the club.