
Tonal concerns are paramount in a medium where tone is essentially absent. Like most people, I have a tendency to read my own shit into silences, and it’s not always good, and it’s not usually accurate. So by inadvertantly imputing the wrong tone to the right message, you’re confusing the recipient. Example:

I’m not the jealous type at all, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit there and watch my girl dance with her ex. That’s some pariguayo shit. Should I get them some drinks, as well? Maybe I can hold his dick while he fucks her, too.

“Poor conversation skills” definitely are a red flag, but I find that a lot of times that the accusation is a deflection meant to put the blame for a failed conversation on the second party rather than acknowledge one’s own failure to hold up their end of the conversation or their own poor conversational skills, or to

The real issue isn’t the exclamation point (though I’m not a fan of them generally, they don’t fit my tone and demeanor); the issue is the period. Punctuation is a way of managing the flow of text, yeah? A period is a hard stop. Ending a text with a period, just like a sentence in some other context, is a signal that

These people are hostages. They have to be nice to you. Abusing that power imbalance is a sign that one is callous, cruel, or rude.