IMHO...I'll just say stuff

I was full grown before I realized how the games we played as kids fed into this thinking that we have free range over a woman’s body. FeministOnFire describes those supposedly harmless games that actually humiliated little girls and gave us boys the misguided feeling of power that leads to even worse behavior as we

Alllll these chicks on IG taking “bookings” and you get caught off of a online ad?? All these pay my rent and we can negotiate services ass IG/onlyfans/twitter chicks and you get busted like this????

oh shit!! Snoop didnt post this pic....

Snoop only speaks for mfs that don’t read. 

that crack....HA! 

Finally!!! I dont care who you married

a most proper choice......enjoy.

Waiting for the day someone slaps him across the face with a sock full of dog turds.....

Yall funny as hell. To go beyond lame joke is a bit much. Worse comments have been made by worse people and they are not getting called out to be fired. Pull your panties up lil bitches...........

Thank you. I’m on their site now. 

Beautifully written. Your experience sounds amazing! What travel group did you use? 

I said what the fuck I said..........

They forgot to insert the kids will be kids line in there..... fuck those kids and the shit stains that bore them.....

louder, please

The caucassity of it all.......He had to leave a class that HE IS PAYING FOR because white man was white-ing. 

I admit I hate-liked some pics on the socials.......more like than hate. I am glad all had a chance to go and had a good experience. I lived through you all. 

Well now it can be debated into oblivion as to what happen next. The show was great and I’m mad but not mad.

I cant wait for Westworld!!!!

Are we really going to sit here and act surprised? He married Kim K for cryin out loud??

Dude sang like Ms. Pattie. I was waiting for him to kick his shoe off.......