IMHO...I'll just say stuff

I was also ready to come in and argue but.......Great list. I’m old enough to remember when they(wypipo) said this rap thing is a fad and will not last. Now, there is so much music and so many MCs that we can argue over who is the best MC/Rapper and what are the best songs. Long Live the Boom Bap...... 

yo. Before I ever went to NYC, this song was New York for me. This is still a bangin hip hop story told over music.

I have friends that won’t eat chicken thighs. It boggles my mind. They cite some stupid reason like breast over thigh, white meat over dark mean but by that time I tuned out. Im grown and will fuck a drumstick up, so there! Drums over flats, all day. Leg quaters on the grill is good eating. If you had to feed a few

coons coonin mad they didn’t get a thank you for coonin to report back to they massa to get coon points. I hope he never says anything to them again. This was so good for my friday laugh......

But he was NOT wrong.....*Kanye shrug*

See what happens when you try to be funny? LOL! I haven’t found anything that tastes worth a damn to the point where I will just keep my miracle whip. I’m not eating that many sammiches now a days and nothing else goes in the potato salad like MW. Thanks fam!

Im looking for alternatives so my questions is...Im a miracle whip/kraft mayo person...how does this compare in taste?

Yooooo. Props to Chris. He was with all the shits and I loved it. Punk bitch!?!?! Oh , so you thought me being on the news wont get your ass kicked??? I think dude peed a lil bit in his pannies. 

Wow. Sounds about white. Of course they left it up on purpose. They tell you to take down personal items when you sell off the rip. No you don’t buy the house. F that dude. You are not proving a point buy putting a whole lot money into dude’s account. Plus the level racist energy that is probably ooooozing out of this


Wow. Just wow. Sounds about white. How dare you spoil my antebellum southern fantasy with facts about how fucked up it was for other human beings(people of African descent). I wanted to sip on a mint julep and to sit in a rocking chair on the porch and pretend I am watching dark skinned people work the fields. 

Are we really complaining about a fine ass black woman shaking her ass?? And by we I mean that guy saying he is tired of wigglin asses.   

These lists are always fun. How to you rate artists? Is it generational? Do people that dont write their own rhymes count(lil kim)?  

Rapsody has BARS!! Will body 99.9% of these new dudes and chicks. Fight me!

Jama...keep Michelle Obama’s name out of your shitty lying ass mouth, 

I did. It was a game of dodgeball. You can try to whytespin some game of Tips into it but the fact of the matter is the lil white boy should not have been out playing any kind of game where he could get hurt...his mother is to blame and the black kid shouldnt be charged for some bullshit. #fuckthegreys 

For the folks that are speculating that the young black child was a bully with no info to go on....sit down. Its dodge ball! You can get hit in the face or head at any time. The white kid with a condition SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PLAYING DODGE BALL!!! This is total bullshit! The next thing will be a black kid catching a

Bette should have sent that to Whoopi and let her post it. 

I see what you did there...... kudos

I honestly think that some wypipo get together at different establishments and areas and say to each other” Hey, lets go fuck with those black people, it will be a hoot. We are wyte so what the worst that could happen?”