IMHO...I'll just say stuff

uh...big ass facts, ma’am.

first of all you are going to take this star..... 

For Motown to be built on sangas....not singers....this was super disrespectful for the academy to pull out one of the most NON singin ass entertainers to do the tribute.... J-Hud should be disgusted.

I dont see eye to eye with his comments......

And she came out of her mouth sideways at first. Now times are hard and what....shiiidddddT. 

Its a no for me, dawg.

An invite for doing the job they should be doing in the first place? Reporting on a trash dude in the white house? How bout you just send them a selfie of you at the cookout eating a delicious place of black folks goodness......

I shut down all defenders with... let a grown ass man piss on your 15 yr old daughter then...... and to the oh what about the fast girls that dated older dudes in HS...you mean the grown ass men that knew a car and a lil cash to flash could seduce a 15 - 16 yr old wanna be grown lil GIRL? If you defend him... here is

good for her!!

They damn sure can and do.


He should have know this was going to fail when his stylist brought him that outfit to wear. I luh ya and I mih ya bruh...... words every woman wants to hear.

dammit! I just ordered new glasses with prada frames.....

The guys they busted just gave them that “weed”. They really got busted for the guns, maybe.....

He knows the shit is finna hit the fan and is trying to get out in front. He is still a whole hoe assface ass lukewarm cup of boiled white tears with raisins....still fuck him.

I feel you on the Ruthless/Death Row music that I rocked to back in day. I recently was playing different artists from those day for my kids and came across some early Eazy E and NWA. Listening to it now made me actually cringe.  I had to change it to some Mos Def.

YESSSSS. Can we just solved this with a punch in the mouf....fuckin bitch...Im tiiiiirrrrreeeeeddddT.

21. you also have a gas grill and swear your bbq is good.

I mean I can look at cool cars, cigars, travel pics and funny memes on IG....

IMO... they don’t get enough after what they had to endure.