IMHO...I'll just say stuff

I just read the NYT article. I read your article first so the NYT response was fresh in my head. The response to the article was straight bullshit. You muffkas think you are slick. You asshats, on the cool, tried to play this dickhead like he is your normal white boy that just happens to be a super racist dickhead. I

Kudos to Bron and others taking the same stand. It’s more than Jordan ever did.

Michael, my guy. You hit it right on point, sir. They are all the nigga with none of the black.

I caught that too. Just sayin

When I saw the cover I just that it was a clever play on her name. She takes good pics. I think eve should sit down and hursh. Trying to be relevant on this show in her new lane was a little much since she has been a non factor for years. Looking like she just got out of the Get Out School of Brainwashed New Niggas.

Ugh. Im still goin.... Already have tickets for Saturday....5 dolla matinee tho, cause I have my doubts.

Wypipo lie about anything and other wypipo will cosign because its in their nature. For example: just now a vendor dropped of soup and egg nog for our office. A venison and mushroom soup, yall. Im a try anything kind of person so I will try this soup. The wypipo in the office rave about OMG this is delicious!! Oh its

aaaand this article was bomb. I here for all the black comic nerd stuff.

What I love about the movie besides the super uber blackness, is that it is finally a black character that is surround by black folk. To many times we get a main character that is black but all the people around him are not. Like how can you be a black person and not have ONE black cohort? No other black people went

I would have that that Cardi/Haddish fans were one in the same. Dont they listen to bodak on the way home to watch girl’s trip?

thank you, thank you so much for this deep belly laugh. I needed it today.

Thank you for this list of treasures. Walter Mosely’s Inside a Silver Box and Futureland are very good reads.

I am 100% with you on this. You have a gun charge, you get probation, you VIOLATE said probation MULTIPLE times and we are supposed to march and protest for you?? Yes Meek is black but more importantly, Meek is a dumbass! Tip: don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. I just don’t see how if you do criminal shit,

Im soooooo ready. Saw the trailer during Thor and even the clears were like holy shit. The hater clears were even low key “ damn.” Looking for a Black Panther shirt to wear on opening night!

I feel this in so many ways. When I was younger I didn’t pay attention to it as much as when I got older and race was more apparent. The MCU had black characters but they were always lower tier heroes. They are never the most powerful Magneto or Jean Grey’s. Luke Cage was strong but back in the day he would get bested

Miss me with the stats on Romo. When it counts he folds like the paper mache muffka he is. Blame his line and defense all you want. He had times and tools and he still fucked off games. He deserves no props. He didnt put his team in shit, no SB wins and 2 playoff appearances??? He was not special when it counted.

Yeah. Im sorry but sense and supporting dump just dont mix, boo boo. You as a black person cant tell me one thing about why you support this fucktard. It starts and ends there. The program idea might be helpful but being a pub and a dump supporter I just feel like she will fuck it all up. Sorry sis...thats a no for

another fire story, Mo..... heat eyes!

I live in DFW and she has a bunch of people changing to channel 8 for the traffic updates because navigating the roads in the morning is pretty hectic around here and you need the best and most current information to make it to work.

Corny to whom? A relative few in the diaspora? A few internet asshole male and females that have never experienced a person loving them unconditionally? Those that have loved and are loved know that the actions of this man is far from corny. But if the internet says so , I guess its tru....fuck the internet.