Moist Platypus

Are you alright, Melania?

If those suggestions are any indication, it’s going to be called Avengers: Sponsored Advertisement

It’s going to be

I’m so indignant about the idea of wheels in this game that I bought a copy and created an account just so I could quit the game and swear it off forever.

Are they still making these? Honestly?

Wow, that is fucked up. I’m sorry you had to experience that.

I haven’t heard a fucking peep out of any of them since about a week after the election... which is about the only good thing that has happened since the election.

Thank you for this incredibly kind comment. I screen shotted it so when I have bad days I can look back at it! :)

I really like the way you write about astronomy, just wanted to put that out there. Your writing is very descriptive and always evokes a nice image in my head whenever I read your articles.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

Note: Yes I said Seastone Chair when it’s not, in fact, the Seastone Chair. I hadn’t had my afternoon caffeine yet :).

Nah, I actually think this is what most players want. Current Destiny is a mess in terms of balancing, economy, leveling, and pretty much everything involving gear.

Shut up and take my multipass!

Oh man, as a web designer, you have no idea how many times I’ve needed that perfect “nurse frightened by cucumber” stock image, but couldn’t deliver. Thanks for sharing!

Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.

West Coast here, San Diego specifically. Been having major issues getting to Hotmail today.