Moist Platypus

Im perfectly happy with the experiment of stabbing peanut better and jelly onto 2 slices of bread, increasing the velocity and reducing the distance between them until they slam together for me to test their results. I have a mouth on standby for when I decide to run said experiments.

Have an upvote for making me laugh buddy

My guess is he knows he is going to prison and thinks he can cut a deal for phone time when he is there =P

Actually it still makes sense. Once you factor in humidity 84+ could very well be hot as balls

Yes, it literally is ironic that random has joined the list.

Personally, I love games that are buggy, but not game breaking. Flying boats, backwards dragons, hilarious physics....

Maybe thats why I like Goat Simulator so much....

Ring ring..... hello?

I feel like they showed us all of the best action scenes they are going to have in that one trailer

People like you please me because of your ignorance =)

The meditation spots are required to unlock the “Destiny” armor!

Your not sorry. Your honest.

You have made day fine commenter. Thank you =)

You are 100% incorrect. One it would get used in some capacity. Two, it would not cost 8 billion since that includes research and development. Soooo

This honestly makes me wonder if this was not so much a “accident”, as maybe a “hint hint wink wink” to the gaming world...

Damn you for beating me to this. I have the other 2, now I need this.....

When do I get my legs version......

Based off what was said, I believe I can take a few guesses on where their education came from...

It’s raining gemshallelujah it’s raining gems... amen!

This Platypus approves of your analysis. Didn’t think about it this way but it makes sense, and could explain his love for stark.