Moist Platypus

No due to the number of users of each. Same thing with Macs. They are plenty vulnerable, but not worth the effort for a small userbase.

Vintage cameras are tech.... unless I am mistaken about what this “tech”thing your talking about is.

Yes it was. Screenshot or it didn’t happen and in this case, we have one so yes, it was.

Oh it’s still in development, from what I can tell there has not been much news about it. You can currently buy the dev kit for $3K if you want!

“The presidency is supposed to age you... not us” - Jon Stewart

My counter is how the spokesperson explicitly states he ment terrorist. There are plenty of terrorist that are not radicalized muslems. With our current times, wording is the most important thing they should be thinking of when posting publically. Although this should have never happened :)

unicorn Death exists, close!

Activion on Blizzard owned and activision does not have a online service

You forgot Shawn of the dead =P

Wiretapping is technology. Security is technology. The legalities of them involve all of us. Should they not cover the FCC changes? If they change surveillance laws should they not cover it? The entire exchange could effect cyber security for everyone. I agree that there is much more political content but it is

I am in no way shape or form an expert but i have a few guesses.

If you stop browsing content on the internet that might give you those ads then your good. Considering advertising uses your user data collected all over the internet that is supposed to be secur..... Oh wait, this guy is removing all of that!!

In case you never got an answer it will be livestreamed on the star wars youtube channel and they say they will have it uploaded within minutes. It will be at 12:01pm EST April 14th

Stupid fucking money. It really does not matter how long they are getting made. I can honestly believe the comment from Bay that 14 more already planned. Each one can continue, and its a pure popcorn flick. I dislike most of the transformers movies because they got old (not much different than people who buy Call

Giving or receiving is the real question

Ill just leave this here

*hands over afternoon caffeinated beverage* =)

Its been a rough day , and this genuinely made me smile, thank you :)

So very Bioware. I played for about 2 hours and stopped(in for me a good way)!  I jumped in waaaaay to fast and did not realize all the stuff in the game. I dont mind putting in the “grinding” time and finding all the pieces if the story pays .

I disliked it, but i gre to enjoy the movie when i accepted the fan theory that the movie is happening in Jones’ head as he was destroyed from the inside out by radiation/impact from blast.