Moist Platypus

I know right? Its like i traveled from the past and.....

Nawwww, obvious butthurt troll is butthurt

Pod race stadium crowd, just sayin

It really was. If I remember correctly 5 buttons /switches are purely to start the mech.

+1 for Steel Battalion controller reference

from the picture, i thought it was a baby metroid =)

On Friday the 13th....

Thats a little ominis if I do say so myself.

I see a ps4 fanboy =)

Jubilex is pretty much spot on. Rare bugs tend to crop up and can’t be reproduced by a developer there for they can’t find and fix the root cause. Attempting to blindly fix it can cause more harm than good. When they are that rare, developers tend to leave them in until either a test department or the community can

I have been testing games professionally for quite a long time now and as I read this article I cringed. These types of bugs are absolutely the worst and drive developers mad. It’s interesting how a one in a million bug affected a professional level tournament.

To wind exaust tunnels or two? not meaning to troll, just curious at its design and use.

I am really looking forward to seeing this in a non test environment!

Having worked in QA for many years, they more than likely knew that and reported it. It boils down to bug priority.

Thank you, now what has been seen can never be unseen

I can personally attest to this. I was working QA in the US for a Chinese company. Not only was the US qa team ignored, we got moved to localization (doing the translations). It was fine because the bugs were “fixed in the Chinese version and eventually would eventually come out” (more often than not over a year

I am ready for party cloudy sky time

That was about my response.

It’s United States not US

I have worked in quality assurance for over 8 years on large and small titles. I can not play a game these days without subconsciously moving into tester mode. This is especially true for buggy games.

You get a star as I am watching that right now