Moist Platypus

All I can say is that you have absolutely no idea what your talking about, and really need to start living in this century.

I need this, I need it now...

Having spent over 8 years in the game development industry, (not as an artist but worked with artists for many years) you are incorrect.

I am willing to bet the black jacket is to hide most of the costume

you deserve a star for asking this, it is not fully clear which is a odd problem these days. The word drone can imply many things!

My life is now incomplete since I do not have one in my hands and know that this exists......

It definitely sounds like they want to slow cook each section and improve on each based on user feedback. From what I understood about the HTC First, it was half baked. Once they get all the base apps down, build a "real OS" or a better modified Android build (similar to the modified ones from carriers), then we may


Flarrow, I like that!


Well played good sir

38 minutes 21 seconds

Turn off the auto play feature in advanced settings.


Wouldn't you?

the seats hang off of either side of the track, 2 seats on each side. I believe 8 rows.

you are a bad person for saying that. X2 is amazing!

caught with your pants down

rofl, I now feel old

Oh good ol Mistake Edition =)