Moist Platypus

Sooooo..... we need to build a new stadium. Any ideas what it should look like?
*insert guy who rides a bicycle to work walking in to the meeting*

I have never encountered one before...

I was an admin on a few servers for various shooters. Well, whenever I had to kick people out, it would say something to the affect of "You have been kicked by" and would say your name.

Why do I feel that this is super important....

So I was about to write something stating that you were incorrect about what colloquialism means...

Well then I remembered what year and age we live in, and face-palmed at how relevant it is. I feel like a dumb for not making the correlation immediately.

While I agree with you (about the use of guitars and such) I'm sorry but this song is so MEH to me :(

In all honesty I thought the entire album was MEH. Maybe its because I had expectations that could not be met (totally possible), or I dont even know, just didnt want music from the late 90's early 2000's? Now mind

First thing it made me think of is Queen Amidalas ship from Episode 2

Could not agree with you more. Thats part of the reason I am using the NS7FX. While it may not have the audio quality of a vinyl, having the tactile feel of motorized tables and vinyl under your fingertips was a fair trade for me. That, and like you said, the price of acquiring music (beatport FTW)

Now playing

I would watch the crap out of that! I want to see people competing in Max 300 on maniac difficulty. It could not be worse than The FP.

I heard about it but never saw it. Unfortunately it is not easy to see a dj's skills (minus scratching) in a matter of minutes unless they suck and bump the record constantly.

Coming from someone who does DJ on the side I completely agree with you. Now I am not an old school person using vinals, I do use CDjs and an NS7FX and those are basically cheat mode. I refuse to use sync and other tools like that because that's when it becomes pressing buttons. I want to hear it, feel it, see

Jeez. I'm not normally the type to get super-hyped about games that involve shooting and driving, but GTAV—to be out on September 17 for PS3 and Xbox 360—is a rare exception.

Oh yes they can. DO you not realize the money that could be made from Episode VII, Return of the Jar-Jar?????????


I would love to see the press start screen from Mario 64 be on a touch screen!


left side BWAAAAA... right side BWAAAAAA

Did anyone else read the beginning of the list in Lord Dark Helmets voice?

Wait a sec, throw a baby in the stew?!

I so want that $50 dollar hammock for my android phone!

Wait wait... He is standing?