
It makes it eazier for the csi techs

It's really, really unfair to him that such malice towards him exists. He did nothing wrong. Clarkson shot the messenger, so to speak. As much as I love the big guy, he did bring this on himself.

How much does this sequence of events suck?

So the lesson here is that wee stature makes you preternaturally adorable?

Here are a few helpful translations for NYC visitors who venture into MTA's horrifically operated subways...

I recently moved out of New York City after living there for 10 years. This was part of why I moved (one of many reasons). It's also part of why I miss New York, but not enough to move back. Anyway, shortly after I moved, I spent about 5 weeks in Japan, in Tokyo and Kyoto but also throughout the countryside.

I have four from my summer job at a discount tire shop (which should tell you exactly the kind of clientele we had). The first I actually saw. A guy had his left rear tire blow on the highway. He had a Pontiac Grand Prix, so he figured he could keep going and he did. The tire eventually shredded and when it did,

I think you meant Guld's YF-21 from Macross Plus which required a disciplined mind.

Well shit, i thought the horsepower and speed wars were about to cool down. Seems i was wrong and even i know Bugatti has something in store for us. f this is a dream don't wake me up. Let the war continue!

I want you all to look at this engine:


I'm not sure where you went to high school but at the high school I went to in California no one ever got punished for watching a fight. Punishing people who happen to see someone else who breaks a law or rule seems a bit extreme. People will race or fight with or without spectators. I obviously agree the people who

Tavarish, you should consider placing a disclaimer stating "There is no need to point out the obvious differences between these two cars including: warranty, ease or level of maintenance, number of seats or personal success/failure stories. This post is only meant to show the ridiculous deal you could get for an

It's the old R8 except like, lower polygons, it's just more angular.

I say woohoo to smaller headlights! Most headlights on cars nowadays are waay too big.

My 550 in NART Blue. You will never regret owning one of these. You can't buy manual Ferraris any more, so they are a bargain. Ohhh and the noise of that V12 !!

These engines are solid. And these V12 cars are the opposite of fragile. Ferrari started building their 12 cylinder cars like tanks starting with the 550. Literally - they're heavy as fuck. Upside is that the chassis and power train is beefy and will last longer than we do.

You know more than likely most people have not driven either car. The chances are slim. I have not driven the two cars. That is why most of us come to places like Jalopnik or drive/motortrend/evo youtube videos. So we can see people give their opinions on cars most people will never drive and have a discussion about

Come on now, we are all friends here.