Speak for yourself, mate. If you don’t like them, there’s a whole big bike to see. The rest of us can enjoy both concepts presented.
Speak for yourself, mate. If you don’t like them, there’s a whole big bike to see. The rest of us can enjoy both concepts presented.
I still laughing at “Barf Central”. You ma made my day.
Applaud Nissan’s bravery and valor. And the fact they’re racing. But guys, FWD, Seriously? If you’re doing it to explore the dynamics of it to apply in your maximas, sure. But if you want to WIN, it’s a whole different story.
Yes, please. That caprice thing is a disgrace. 993 turbo if you don’t mind.
I am about to puke.
This is why I don’t have bothered to own a car here. It’s just full of stupid stuff designed to get you in trouble and lose hard earned money.
Outstanding analysis. Bravo, Sir.
You, Sir, win the Internets today.
Ah, man...All this PC stuff is getting on my nerves. Can we just enjoy something without it being politicized please?
You're 100% spot on, the idea is to save lives. I'd say let's make track days attainable and easy. Over regulating stuff only makes everybody miserable and people will actually look for escape routes to satisfy the need (prohibition times come to mind). So let's all cool our heels, get the driver processed and have a…
I don't know. I agree the driver is to be punished. But going medieval over the spectators reeks of a bit much, mate. Might want to cool off a bit. Too many laws as it is.
hey there partner,
overpowered? What is this strange term?
But while there's plenty of screen real estate for big fat buttons, VW didn't stop there. Cameras are mounted inside the car let the driver or passenger trigger a variety of commands using gestures like moving your arm and twisting your hand.