Abhi Manyu

Haha - yeah they deliver underwear in the mail and they're awesome ... but don't judge a post by its URL! As manpacks confirm on this thread, not only was that a pro dentist's guest post, it was the same guy whom LH referenced in http://lifehacker.com/5991833/brush-…

Yup, possibly the ONE guy who didn't get the cheque in the mail from toothbrush corp ;)

Thanks - I see that you changed the mouthwash para to make the distinction between fluoride based ones! I think folks like NHS target the lowest common denominator so it's easier for them to give blanket advice than point out the subtleties/exceptions which may confuse people. Hence their blanket rule on "don't brush

The mouthwash advice here seems to directly contradict the tips here:

I know it sounds impossible but the song is EVEN more cringe-worthy if you understand hindi!

Now playing

When Bollywood & K-pop unite, no cynical gizmodo review can ever withstand the awesomeness of the S4 - Gangnam Style!

Hello <Kinja> World!