Alex Helm

Been playing since 2012. she had a little stealth rework with the ward changes and a graphics update.

This is her first rework.

As a jets fan, I don’t know.


What a clown

Wow relax, you would let this dog suffer from a horrible infectious plague?

That’s not true

As a resident of Connecticut, i approve this message.

yeah, i remember tokyo drift.

This supports my long time theory that while it may not be the best series, voyager is the most watchable.

As a jets fan in Connecticut, I feel you.

what run is this from?

Yes they do.

that’s why I love our fireplace. we have tons of trees and woods and cords already cut. i heard this winter was going to be bad!(northwest Connecticut)

Holy hell thats crazy! i’m gunna check out that book!

Yes you will

They can play on friday or saturday

You mean mad magazine.

No the frog is NOT a nazi. it was taken by the nazis and ran with. It was created as a simple joke character.

Which show is this?