

W123 300D, 1984 or earlier. Absolutely bullet proof, parts are easy to come by, it's relatively easy to work on and still delivers a sense of quality and enduring value decades after production has ended.

That tweet sounds kinda porny...

Honestly, this is Chrysler's biggest hurdle in being taken seriously again: their dealers are horrible. I'm a very loyal Mopar customer, but I drive 40 minutes out of my way for oil changes and service because the two dealers within 20 minutes are absolute crooks and shysters.

Virgil Exner does not approve your message.

Sexy blinker fluid?

CT6, and any subsequent CT#.

Lancia Fulvia

Interesting that their logo is a kangaroo (Skippy, I believe) but the only place I've ever eaten kangaroo was on a Qantas flight....

Early Lancia twin cams aren't bad to change, which is good, as they are an interference head. Later Beta twin cams are the devil himself, as there is no room to get past the fuel injection goodies, air conditioning lines, power steering lines and all the related drivebelts.

W123, hands down. The one model that absolutely cemented Daimler Benz as the premium import in the US.

It's not a Dodge. Charger just got a refresh and no other sedan due till the D-RWD (if it's real) so this would be something not on the plan.

I was going to say "Really? I see them almost every day" until I read

Easy. This:

Front says Ford to me too; possibly a new Taurus?

It's also possible that they didn't differentiate between moving violation tickets and "abandoned on road" tickets, so of the 9 Mercury Topaz left in America, 99% had been ticketed.


There it is... that I'll buy!

Seriously, how many Mercury Topazes were even sold, much less how many can possibly still be moving under their own power?

Honestly, I eagerly await the first offspring of the new Alfa 'Giorgio' platform (aka D-RWD to Mopar fans) along with solid news of its variants, both Italian and North American. This will be the proof that FCA is in it for the long haul, or that they're not going to make it.