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    I actually think it was the height of irresponsibility for Buzzfeed to publish that report. They’ve now descended to the level of Fox News and lost all journalistic integrity. Even though we desperately want it to be true, no one should believe this unsubstantiated report or even pay attention to it.

    I will tell my teenage daughters not to do things because it leads to trouble and they do them anyway. Then when it does, they have personal experience to draw on and it shapes their future decisions. People always learn better, or have a better understanding, through their own experiences than vicariously. It’s not

    It shouldn’t be a disappointment that she’s calling for due process. How many times does she have to prove she’s a feminist, and an ally, and for equality?

    We’re all bullying this happy couple and their newborn baby for the name the chose? Who gives a shit. Enough with the smug, self-congratulating, attitude for happening to be part of the “right” culture.

    It’s a pretty far cry to say that just because a white artist is popular means there’s an entire host of white people out there wanting to listen to a genre(?) without having to see a black person. Isn’t music about taste? Maybe they just think her songs are catchy jesus...Who’s to say what’s good and what’s bad? The

    I hate how normalized female on male violence is; like it’s something to be laughed at or applauded. Guy was just doing his job.

    I’m glad you’ve decided against that. Po will undoubtedly get the name “po-po,” and what adolescent wants to role into a party and have people shout, “IT’S THE PO-PO”?

    I’m sorry but why does everyone have a hate on for her again? Yeah her songs are kinda dumb but to quote Kendrick Lamar “She’s doing her thing — let her.” Sure she’s said some things culturally insensitive things, but she’s apologized so I really don’t see the point in being so nasty. Aren’t we supposed to support

    Is a black voice coming from a white face what 250 million people want?

    Is anyone else thinking Daniel might be the star of this season?

    He’s playing a good game though. There’s nothing more irresistible to a naive person (read: Jojo) than someone that treats them like they’re regular. One automatically feels like they have something to prove.

    Seriously I feel this...It’s like we’re all just waiting for someone to fuck up so we can forum-lynch them. Some people’s careers have been destroyed. Everyone says stupid things sometimes. We need to stop being so hyper-sensitive. I’ve read so many articles with the title “So and so says something so entitled and