
I think that's it!

Yeah, I do have a slight mental issue when it comes to image and my teeth. The difference between that and disorder is how much it affects the quality of my life. It doesn't. So it's not really a disorder, but it is (quite admittedly) a minor mental issue.

My own confusion. But doesn't really stop my original assertion that there is probably more to the story than we know.

I would imagine that there are some gay/lesbian folks who see gender reassignment as a rejection of being gay or lesbian. Personally, I think they need to find something else to worry about. Gender and sexuality are related but are not the same thing.

Well, you take any group of people anywhere relating to anything and some portion is gonna hate on another portion. I am sure there are little old lady knitting clubs that hate the fuck out of people who crochet.

I think we have a new one-off Fantastic Four Halloween special issue!

Just to be very clear I am not saying that there IS a mental issue here. I'm saying I've struggled with the indecision over whether it should be considered so or not.

I love this more than I think I should.

Well, I sort of alluded to the idea of what constitutes a disorder. Some people get plastic surgery and it may be perfectly justified; they have some feature way outside the norm and they would feel more comfortable if it were. I don't think that this is a real problem. But when someone gets surgery after surgery

I have to admit that I struggle with the idea here of whether or not this is mental illness.

Still, even if you don't read every line (and I don't) some common sense applies. I've bought digital books and understood at the time of purchase that there was never any guarantee that I'd be able to read it, say, 25 years from now.

Don't ruin our fun with facts!

"They set a slamhound on Turner's trail in New Delhi, slotted it to his pheromones and the color of his hair." — William Gibson in Count Zero

Animal rights activists will be up in arms. But I'd rather 100,000 mice get blown up than one human being.

And my guess is you probably were banned for a very good reason. Forums are FULL of stories of people who do things against the rules they agreed to and then cry and cry when they get caught. You might be perfectly innocent. But, not knowing you one way or another, I'd place a bet you are not merely because someone

Well, that's the rub. It DOES give them the right because that is part of the agreement she had when she purchased. That is one risk of digital content that people overlook.

I dunno, I think that is sort of reading things into it. I do know that there will never be a cure and there will never be a total explanation (the creators said as much). But I think you are over-thinking this. The disease is not an analogy intended to express some higher meaning; it's a McGuffin intended to

That disambiguated but I saw a few shows in there (including Highlander: "There can be only Type-A!!!")

I'd hate to think that someone's disposition had anything to do with the infection rate; that doesn't really pass the sniff test. I could see someone's emotional state (reflected in biochemistry) having something to do with it though.

In the video game world there are people who are banned from games all of the time.