
I would argue that if your car seat felt like human skin than it would feel the most natural to you and, hence, easier for you to ignore. That would help with the feeling of immersion when driving and would lead to slight increases in safety as well as just overall comfort.

This is going to spawn so much McGuyveresque bad sci-fi movie plots.

I would love, love, love, love, LOVE to see a sequel called "Bigger Trouble In Little China".

Actually, it's an interesting idea. Basically you just started off a dozen related discussion threads and primed the whole meta-discussion nicely. Good idea and probably applicable to a lot of other topics.

It's like X-Files. Some shows are more important to the overall story arc than others. It is not as bad as Lost where you need to watch every single show serially. But in order to get the maximum understanding you need to watch most of them.

Oh, yeah, FemShep is always a lesbian. My only regret was that Subject Zero stopped being one before meeting her. Sigh.... robbed of such a wonderful 30 second implied sex scene...

I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. My interest in this story is shallow enough to only include the incidental amusement of the names involved.

Sorry to say but the race is 50/50. And Romney is supported by the religious right. And they ALWAYS go out to vote. Always.

I'm fine with this.

This would have been a much better film with Idris Elba. Tyler Perry is too much a chubby babyface to pull off the role.

It is a crime/action movie where they are trying to catch a bad guy. Tyler Perry is not great in it but it's worth seeing just for Matthew Fox's scenes alone. He stole the show.

You know, I actually enjoyed this movie.

Good. Can we lost those "No Dish" ads now?

Not a problem at all. Commander Shepard is, and always will be, a woman.

Gangnam style flying monkeys.

Still, this was seconds. Brain death takes some time and it was my understanding that there had to be brain death to allow the infection to spread (thinking back to the CDC MRI replay). In any event, it's a just roll with it moment. Like how is he not infected from before having his leg chopped off if the blood

In what universe do you live in where the Do Not Call list is a failure?


The fact that God was the "correct" answer shows that there is a Christian indoctrination bias in the material they are teaching.

I think I recall Arthur C. Clarke saying that he intentionally wrote 2010 in such a way that it would be "unfilmable". I rather liked the film! *grin*