
All people are not equal; that is demonstrably true.

Carl has been transformed into a good character. He's turned into a vicious little zombie hunter.

It takes several minutes for the effect to take hold; as was shown in the CDC scenes. There is a window to save them.

I am enjoying the heck out of seeing Rick shrug off the mantle of civility and do what needs to be done. I am sure there are going to be a lot of moral choices in the future (because he is still a moral man) and inevitably he will flub some of them and have to wrestle with that.

My favorite Ben moment came when Ben was not even on screen. At one point he is captured and imprisoned. Someone tells Ben's people that they have him captured. They calmly replied "If Ben is in your prison then it's because Ben has decided it suits his purposed to be in your prison." What an awesome character.

Yeah, I am as well. When Diablo 3 came out (and Guild Wars 2 not that long after) I decided no more subscriptions. But I knew my kid would like it. So I gave it with a 3-month subscription. He has until the end of the year to do what he wants to do. I'm not going to be long term with it.

This is the best "him-too" suggestion today.

I like all my ladies with pearl necklaces! :rimshot:

So much bad sci-fi movie potential from this...

I am all for a scientifically accurate sci-fi movie so long as there is ONE simple rule:

Comic Sans

This reads almost viral-marketing-ish....

One of the roles in this game is quick travel to outbreaks:

You had to admire her as a writer. She can make an off-hand comment about Lestat looking at shampoo bottles in wonder within an all night drugstore and it evokes such a strong image. From a flip offhand comment.

I always thought there was a homoerotic tinge to the Lestat/Louis relationship anyways. Maybe not SEX, but something sensual.

Here is a current picture of him. Stay thirsty, my friends.

I think they are just making all of it up now, having a laugh at all us non-astronomers....

What peaceful world? I mean, because I don't live on one. I live in a world where violence and war exist. I am VERY MUCH COMFORTED by the fact that we have a strong military that protects me from the horrors of war.

Wow. 0.8 megafurlongs....

I demand furlongs!