
Yeah, not sure what the dire warning was for. If you don't like it, return it. My unfounded suspicion is that this is the sites sour grapes response to not getting media early access to it.

Free as in it was on a public broadcast channel and not a cable premium channel. I'm sure there is a way to spin it true...

I think there is a market for players under the age of 25 playing a Baldur's Gate like game that is done with a modern engine.

I returned New Vegas unfinished and angry. Obsidian fools me time and time again.


Arguably sitting around eating ice cream is probably a better plan than most politicians in most countries have going on right now.

I am taking it that they didn't think the whole world would go dark but that as things went wrong they had an oh-shit moment and dealt with it the best they could. They probably were trying to do one thing and it had an unintended consequence.

Charlie is the weak point of the show. Period. They have ALREADY overused the trope of her screwing up plans. There are uses on a show for an annoying character but you can't make your MAIN character annoying.

Yeah, really. I think the fact that Microsoft is going to have a $500 tablet is amazingly good news. It really puts it on competitive footing with iPad, which few have been able to do. That should be news.

It is a bad sign; I do agree. I just wanted to hold up Apple's recent iPhone 5 release strategy to put it into perspective.

The monkey guy screaming across the land screaming that he would save her (as observed through your sniper scope) was priceless.

I never tip bad if my food is made poorly or slowly. I only tip bad when the server has a negative attitude.

The fact is that two weeks prior to them being on sale no news organizations had any credible info on the iPhone 5 that was not based on speculation or inferred from supplier info. And people were slathering for it.

Agreed. But when you compare that to,say, virtually any Apple product you see that it's not such an unusual thing. No headlines saying "DON"T PRE-ORDER AN IPHONE 5" because there had been no reviews two weeks prior to it's release.

If she sounds the same as a duck then she has no echo and, therefore, a witch.

I hate, hate, hate finding out that some "fact" that I've known for years is not true after all. I feel your pain.

Apple didn't let anyone touch an iPhone 5 or admit to anything about it until two weeks before they were being sold to customers. Microsoft should be able to do the same thing.

True. But I think there might be some not wanting to tip things off in advance; secrets are important. Apple didn't give any iPhone 5 details until two weeks prior to them being sold. Why should Microsoft do any different?!?!

As an Apple user I can't sleep at night unless I can pay $19 dollars for freakin' cord I already own....

Yeah, the Panda's and overall JRPG/Pokemon-ish setting was a big reason why I did not want to get it. I had zero interest. But then after I got it for my kid I decided to try and play a panda and it actually sucked me in. The PvE zones are great and very imaginative.