
This is how I read this:

I was not going to play MoP because of GW2. But in a moment of weakness I bought it because I knew my kid would like it. So I ended up putting GW2 aside for a bit and playing it.

Hrmm. Funkysaurus might make for a great new IO9 handle...

So they got exactly what they wanted.


Unrelated stat used to illustrate how little we spend on NASA. Like the story a while back about how the military spends more on A/C than NASA has in it's entire budget.

I agree. But I was using it to illustrate the point of something that is not the best quality but still very popular. Her writing is not terrible but it is not particularly good either. Despite that she remains very successful and popular, so more power to her.

If they can put this tablet on the market (with Windows 8 and not RT) at $500 then Apple finally has real tablet competition.

What do they want, a cookie? They should have HAD a browser on the thing years ago.

As well you should if you wrote one like that. It only works with a small slice of target audience.

I love the irony found in "Still a bad game." and "We could use some new content soon".

And they are basically Sylvan's from Dark Age of Camelot. Agreed that their capital is gorgeous.

The funny thing about dubstep is that when it's good it's really cool but when it's bad it's really, really, really, really, really, really, really bad.


There are a lot of valid ways to play the game. I think most people are focused on the raid/gear grind. I could care less. I am all about questing, exploring and seeing new things in-game. I play WOW like I go to a theme park; "Hey, lookit that over there!"

It's a catchy song. It has a funny video. Not sure what more one could ask for in a music video. It's not going to win any awards but it is what it is. And, frankly, pretty well done in comparison to some videos. Not sure why it garners so much hate; is it so bad that people like to take a minute to watch a

Aw shoot. For full picture go to:

Is it going to be rated R?

These books are well done for what they are but are hardly, hardly, hardly the best examples of fantasy out there. They are the McDonald's of fantasy. Millions of people love them but that doesn't make them the best of their kind.

Basically meant: "Sigh. Here come the Prometheus hate posts that inevitably follow any mention of the movie on IO9. I, myself, rather liked the movie and so I don't feel any compulsion to post such hatred towards it."