
As I understand, Aslan was a Jesus allagory (intentionally). Gandalf was an attempt at an angelic figure in what was intended to be a new British mythos. They were besties but disagreed on how much religion should be in their books.

This really had a sort of Sex In The City vibe of goofy unrealism to me. It was interesting enough to watch (not the least of which was for more Terry O'Quinn). The only genuinely scary part was the lightbulb/ladder scene.

All I want for Christmas is an announcement of a new Star Trek show starring Bruce Greenwood as Captain Pike. He nailed that role so perfectly that I'd love to see more of him. He'd own that show completely.

I'm of the camp that believes if someone is uptight enough to be offended by a Christmas tree or Easter bunny then they are uptight enough for me not to really care much about their opinion. People need to loosen up and be comfortable with the fact that others around them might be different.

We agree. I never claimed it was Christian. But a Christmas tree is a symbol of the Christmas (as it stands in our current modern culture).

My entire problem with Facebook games is that they are geared towards generating Facebook traffic via harrassing my friends with unwanted invitations and info and not geared towards entertaining me (even in an ad supported way).

Kate was such a strumpet back then!

Oh, it does make sense. But when someone uses the word "Christmas" you really don't know if they mean the religious holiday or the secular one. I think, more and more, the general use has now become secular.

Yeah, I'm on LTE most of the time around here. Which is a blessing and a curse.

Yeah, I got notice that I'd used over 2Gb and didn't think I had. This explains it.

It depends. To me Christmas is not a religious holiday at all but a celebration of family and family traditions. It may not have been intended that way, but it now is for many people. So, for me, a Christmas tree is WAY more "Christmas" than a nativity scene.

That is too bad. At first I was utterly disinterested in the movie until I saw the trailer and got optimistic. Sad to hear the reviews are coming in bad.

It is utterly against a marketers nature to accurately display a product. They don't think in those terms. They look at a product and they think "What I can tie to this that will make people buy it?"

Even the unfinished things are awesome. Your "bad" is better than a lot of people's "great".

No, you were not the only one. I was ultra geeked for it. I could have cared less what it had (or did not have) with the original. It was just a pure awesome trailer. I wanted that game the moment I saw it. Still do.

You know, the more professional the cosplay the less interesting I find it. When it's this professional thing to me it's no different than a costume on a Hollywood production. I am less impressed by that than a really cool or funny costume that someone made in their basement the weeks leading up to a con.

I got some buddies and we all drink bleach!

I thought "The Tick" immediately before even reading the list.

As a white guy who married a (wonderful, supportive, smart, beautiful) black woman a year ago I have learned more about black hair in the last year than I ever thought I would know.

All said and done I think I'd rather have seen my iPhone 5 have some Gorilla Glass than have it be a little thinner than my 4.