
It was an instant classic.

Yeah. I was not really all that interested in the story, characters, setting or even the plot of Pattern Recognition. But somehow I enjoyed the book. I think it was merely because the writing itself is so damned good.

You know what Tetris needs? More boobies.

Sinclair in a suit on Babylon 4.

I would think that you would not want to leave the fighter on the outside. It is practical, yes, but wouldn't you plan on every fighter undergoing maintenance in between missions? At least it needs to be pulled inside and kept in some sort of human-accessible storage.

I had stopped watching but the Wintermute-esqe premise of the Machine being sentient and pulling strings intrigued me to watch the premiere and I was very glad that I did. It was an excellent episode all-around.

You probably know more about it than I do so I'll concede. I only know 2nd hand.

Yeah, I am aware. But they WILL get their hands on a metric crapload of illegal copies of the US version of the movie.

Yeah, there was some stretching on the willing-suspension-of-disbelief to be able to enjoy the show. You have to do so or there is no show.

I am pretty sure that I would let 1980's Grace Jones F*** me into a bloody pulp.

Wikipedia has been shown to be, overall, more accurate than modern encyclopedias.

I have a strong suspicion that when I walk out of the theater I'll think "Wow. That was awesome and gorgeous... ...and I have no idea what the hell I just watched."

It is a little ridiculous for the Chinese govt to try and control the content of the movie as it is shown in China. Their own citizens are going to be bootlegging the ever lovin' crap out of the US version anyways.

I disagree. I think much of their success is tied directly to customer satisfaction. They sell high end stuff; until iPad Apple products were typically very highly priced compared to competitors. The way they got folks to pay for that extra was a lot of special attention to every aspect of customer satisfaction.

Those charts are laughable. I am supposed to weigh 180. If I weighed 180 I'd look like a scarecrow.

It isn't one?!?!

Build hype. Attract investors.

I am pretty sure that if William Gibson wrote about how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich it would be beautiful writing. I'd have to look up a few words here and there and it would be incredibly dense. But I think anything he wrote about will have an art to the writing itself.

I do not begrudge them making money. I think they deserve a lot of success because they have very much shaped the future of computing. But I do begrudge them for doing it at the expense of customer satisfaction. This was gouging. All IMHO, of course.

Chris Evans nailed that role. Perfectly. But the films were pretty lackluster.