
For me AntennaGate was a non-issue since I used a bumper case but I could see how this would irritate naked-iPhone users.

Greater than a one hour drive for me to do the same. Would have liked to see cables in AT&T and Verizon stores along side the phones.

Forgive me! Of course!

I actually cancelled my WOW:MoP collectors edition after playing that beta and Guild Wars 2 side by side.

Yeah, that's my plan. I'm buying one extra so I can have a work charger and a home charger but I won't buy any extras or any adapters until working 3rd party versions appear.

The benefits of the phone (e.g. staying with my existing iTunes purchases) outweights the annoyance of the cable issue. Doesn't make the cable issue go away but it leaves me in a lose-lose situation; accept the cable problem or lose all my iTunes stuff.

Greater than a one hour drive just to get to the nearest Apple store for me. It would have been nice if they would have sent at least some cables to the AT&T and Verizon stores that sold the phones. I was third in line. If they even sent ten cables to the store I'd have been set.

Someone else replied and said it best; this issue is good enough to bitch and whine about but not really important enough to return the phone. The benefit outweighs the deficit.

Which could have been solved by using a MicroUSB port. But if they did that (cough) they would not sell as many cables.

I have to drive over an hour to get to the nearest Apple store. Not everyone lives in a large city. I would have expected Apple to ship extra cables to AT&T and Verizon stores along with the phones. That is a perfectly reasonable expectation.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Aeronautics. NASA does work with airplanes as well as spacecraft.

I am already upset that I have to buy new cables to begin with. That Apple didn't ship extra cables to stores to sell along side the iPhone 5 is ridiculous. They knew when they were going to ship. They could have had these ready. They dropped the ball.

Here she is:

Nope. He had an agreement, which he signed off on. EA is proactively reminding him of the provisions. This is way cheaper to EA than filing suit after any potential incident.

Oldie but goodie. And should be required reading for anyone with religious faith.

Or maybe it IS alive!

OK, so you refuse to be reasonable. That's cool. Have fun with that.

Well, that's what I get for commenting after reading for 10 seconds!

Out of college I was going to work for a company on their "Enterprise" product. Two friends already worked there. I bought us all little model starship Enterprises.

Another alternative is XBOX 360 which has NetFlix, Huli, Vudo, etc, etc, etc, etc.