
If the Earth did not spin I doubt there would be green all around the Earth since sunlight would only hit half of it. Also half of the Earth would be warm and the other half cold, which would probably cause a lot of this map to be frozen.

Hrrfsh germurkle derp snefle!

That show was way ahead of it's time.

I would say "common sense".

The beta for MoP convinced me not to buy. It was very well done, as is Blizzard's trademark. But it was more WOW. Nothing more, nothing less. Just more WOW.

Kickstarter: Home of ideas that cannot be financed by a real investor who does due diligence.

I nominate "Necromatic Fellatio" as a great name for a band.

When you use the word forever in this sort of context I think it is understood to reasonably mean "forever for all practical purposes".

This was the first WOW expansion that I did not purchase. Up until now I've gotten the collectors edition on each one but this just did not spark my interest.

"Community: Still less gay than Twilight".

The modern day take could be a huge series of instant messenger discussions.

That is some Prometheus-level biological weirdness right there. Nightmare fuel.

Wow, the actress playing Michonne is so HOT!

Here is the entire problem with Superman as shown by the Penny Arcade guys:

Seems legit.

Hollywood? Royalty free IP here!

So here is my colonoscopy story:

That is a low move for Apple.

I think that if you generally believe the answer is "no" but still acknowledge that there is room for doubt then you can still call yourself an atheist. Just as someone can believe in God but acknowledge that "I could be wrong, but I don't think I am" and still be, say, a Christian.

All a mater of taste and preference.