alex beyer

Android really needs to start becoming more like custom ROMs in terms of features. This is standard on ROMs like Resurrection Remix; I can appreciate not wanting to overwhelm people with options, but up until the introduction of the Pixel phones, Nexus was for enthusiasts who knew what they were doing and who’d get


No, I do get to judge what SNAP people buy without judging what others buy because I am paying for the SNAP items. What you buy with your money is your business. What you buy with mine is my business. You may argue that SNAP recipients’ choices are limited or that the cheapest items are not the healthiest, but you

Option 3: be intelligent, capable, and careful...if only in the minimal amounts required to allow your phone to fix your spelling for you. When you are President of the United States of America.

Easy there, snowflake. Back to your safe place.

Oh a Trump supporter, don’t you have some African Americans or Muslims to verbally and physically assault?

You lack rational thinking skills and reading comprehension.

So if he misspells it — he’s an idiot for not being able to type, but if he corrects it he’s an idiot for violating the law.. this going to get real old for the next 4 years. I will certainly get more done if I avoid the internet snowflake storms. Might be my cue to move on from the internet faux-rage crowd.

Nope. @realdonaldtrump is his private account

What nonsense. “The problem is that he very likely isn’t allowed to do that anymore” is absolutely false. This is a private account. He’s still a person, and a citizen. He has the same right to delete his own tweet as anyone else. Even in the unlikely event that the Court found that any public records statute covers

Bonus trick: flip that bottle the other way around so the spout is at the top, and it won’t “glug” due to air bubbles, and it will be a more predictable pour.

Don’t worry, it’s a comic book so he’ll be back in a year or so.

And a big Fuck you back dude.

“God help us! It just keeps getting worse doesn’t it? Fuck!”

There are few SF properties more deserving of a remake than Dune. That said, the Lynch version should be sitting on every sci-fi fan’s video shelf. It ain’t perfect but, for what it is, it’s mighty fun. Just to see Sting stretch like a cat, or Patrick Stewart be Patrick Stewart be someone else, is worth the cost

No way. That shit is awful. Also, the costume from the Batman “vision” from BvS was terrible like this too.

I think a CSI employee would be real leery about having a bunch of interconnected pieces that could possibly fly off at super speed.

What? You mean that’s not something a CSI employee couldn’t put together?

I cannot get over how awful that costume is.