alex beyer

100% agree and the name brand is almost always on sale so you’re only saving a few cents for a huge drop in quality.

I don’t have a problem with most store brand stuff, especially Costco Kirkland, but one place I find branding unusually significant is cheese. Store brand cheese is always drier and doesn’t melt as consistently as name brand.

Were we are going we don’t need eyes......

Is this the digital equivalent of “it puts the lotion on it’s skin”?

Bungie *used* to do that with Halo waaaay back in the day. They actually had a specific forum set aside for people who received the banhammer to fight the fact they got it. They could post their info and say what happened to them was unfair, and the Bungie employee in charge of that thread would publicly reply with

The worst I did online was like the Diablo 2 map hack.

ActionReplay please.


Remember when we had simple things like a game shark?

Not last I checked. Life, liberty, happiness. There is nothing about water.

Rights are negative- they prevent someone or some organization from doin things TO you. Positive rights make us slaves.

If water was a human right why do some governments prohibit the collection of rain water? The political team that tells me water is a human right is usually for the bans/regulation on the collection of rain water and other methods by which people can get water outside the control of the government. What they mean by a

It’s just a stupid line saying that water is a basic human right. Would you say air is a basic human right?

Whether or not water is a basic human right has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not it should be purchased bottled.

It’s just as much a basic right as food. Everyone has a right to be fed, even if they have no money, right?

So, you think slavery is a human right? After all, if someone MUST provide something to people, as with water in this case, then you are in favor of compelling the services of another human being without compensation. Much like the newly found “rights” to housing or medicine, these “rights” grant people claims upon

A basic human right? Wow. You guys can take something as simple as bottle water and turn it into some bull-shit bleeding-heart liberal human rights cause. Giz has gone so far downhill recently it's appalling.