Don't bring logic into this conversation. You will simply confuse everyone.
Why not just buy those that are refillable?
I can pick one up for $1, never thought of refilling it.
This is why I never travel with all my gold and jewels. I also leave the Renoir at home.
A hotel room safe is designed to keep valuables like your passport or cash locked away while you’re traveling. But…
This is not a lifehack. It’s an ugly attempt to reuse junk.
You are painting your world with a broad brush.
It’s the best suburbs so you could hardly call them rural. Suburbs immediately surround a city. New Albany surrounds Columbus, the 15th largest city in the US.
Really? Because I’m sick of false racism makes me a conservative?
Don’t non-white people like low crime and great schools?
Dunno why you’re singling out those states or Patrick. Almost by definition suburbs are white-dominated. Many—dare I say most—suburbs exist because of white flight during the mid-20th century.
Oh give me a fucking break.
don’t get me started. fucking Sonytards always do the same cashgrab BS with memory cards in ALL it’s fucking products. i’m surprised their smartphones don’t use proprietary cards. but then again, we all know why they don’t, or why the PS4 makes it easy to swap HDD/SSD..
it will be a long time before we see a new…
Yeah but due to inflation that would be around $300-400 in today’s money.
and people said the Vita was expensive. . . (well the memory cards sure are, fucking scumbag Sony)
Man, those were the days.
$150 for a controller? Why back in my day we could get a console with 2 controllers and a game for $150!
Sounds reasonable, but good luck getting everyone arranged in the 0.9 seconds you have before impact.
Now days you can get 2 amazon fire tablets for less than the raspberry pi and screen.
That said I’d build one for the hell of it.