alex beyer

You cunts are desperate as fuck, your stupid bitch is losing and losing fast. The amount of shit the FBI has on her greatly drowns out all the last minute bullshit smear campaigns you stupid fucks could put out. Fake rape stories and all. Who gives a fuck about that stuff when you have emails on a pedophiles computer

You cunts are desperate as fuck, your stupid bitch is losing and losing fast. The amount of shit the FBI has on her greatly drowns out all the last minute bullshit smear campaigns you stupid fucks could put out. Fake rape stories and all. Who gives a fuck about that stuff when you have emails on a pedophiles computer

You cunts are desperate as fuck, your stupid bitch is losing and losing fast. The amount of shit the FBI has on her greatly drowns out all the last minute bullshit smear campaigns you stupid fucks could put out. Fake rape stories and all. Who gives a fuck about that stuff when you have emails on a pedophiles computer

You cunts are desperate as fuck, your stupid bitch is losing and losing fast. The amount of shit the FBI has on her greatly drowns out all the last minute bullshit smear campaigns you stupid fucks could put out. Fake rape stories and all. Who gives a fuck about that stuff when you have emails on a pedophiles computer

You cunts are desperate as fuck, your stupid bitch is losing and losing fast. The amount of shit the FBI has on her greatly drowns out all the last minute bullshit smear campaigns you stupid fucks could put out. Fake rape stories and all. Who gives a fuck about that stuff when you have emails on a pedophiles computer

Yeah, if only it were emails. Dumb fucking liberal idiots. Try treason, traitorous acts, child sex rings, pay for play scandals, Clinton Foundation corruption, arming ISIS and funding them, burning down a black church, voter fraud, countless deaths to her name, and so many more things.

Well to be fair it was the car (maybe not year) that killed Anton Yelchin for that weird reason. Parked it on an incline, clicked itself into neutral, and rolled back pinning and crushing him against his gate. The car he was driving had a recall for that very reason.

Of course it wasn’t SNL was never funny. They had a few bits here and there but for the most part, they were shit.

Well another shit article, of the ever expanding list of lazy as fuck blog posts put out by this shit family of sites.

So deadspin is the new Gawker. This looks like shit.

You really are a cunty kike aren’t you. Fuck you. Also, talking about grabbing pussy and forcibly taking it like that cunt hillary’s husband did on multiple occasions are two very different fucking thing. Do you get tired of being the world’s shittiest and most biased cunt reporter? Nah probably not. Still wished the

some do just that. I was looking at one the other day that had that logic built in to it.

some do just that. I was looking at one the other day that had that logic built in to it.

A white person who said “nigger”, why I never... Oh wait, we’ve all said nigger both in a pejorative manner and in context when singing along with a song where black cunts drop it like the word “the”. You disingenuous fucks. Guess what dipshits, Hillary and Bill both said it multiple fucking times, they’re southern

Ashley on journalism, fuck integrity and objectivity just be a dumb fucking cunt, damn shame the nazis couldn’t get your family too love. It’s obvious your cunt mother did nothing to breed accountability. You also shouldn’t have a fucking job either after the shit articles you wrote that helped take down gawker. Hope

Kinja: “These clowns need to stop” So let’s keep writing stories about them and inspire copycats. You guys are really useless cunts who are more cancerous than good.

Maybe don’t make fucking stories about them, did you ever think of that? Jesus fucking christ you cunts are dumb. They’re clearly seeking attention, and you’re giving it to them thus spurring copy cats. How fucking dumb do you have to be to work at Kinja, just above high functioning mental retardation?

Maybe don’t make fucking stories about them, did you ever think of that? Jesus fucking christ you cunts are dumb. They’re clearly seeking attention, and you’re giving it to them thus spurring copy cats. How fucking dumb do you have to be to work at Kinja, just above high functioning mental retardation?

Ferrets are a subspecies of polecats which is also a strip club by me.

Be careful with this, since even on gentle, I’ve had pillows destroyed.

There have been multiple power banks like this, though most have a grounded option.

There have been multiple power banks like this, though most have a grounded option.