alex beyer

You can say that about every state. Never understood people who champion their state. Every state is shit, hence why the country as a whole is getting crapier. Too much misappropriation of funds. There isn’t any reason why major cities like NY, Chicago and what not should be in debt. They’re major tourist attractions

so being understanding of another human being is considered a bad trait. Fuck you, and the shit family that bore you.

Why? What if this guy has a mental disorder and finds it hard to reach out to people, then to have this cunt poke fun at him. Fuck the author. Basic fucking theory of mind, something this narcissistic world grossly lacks.

Remember that time Kinja made fun of a guy for waiting for a girlfriend. What a fucking piece of shit site. I hope this cunt author gets aids. FUCK YOU KINJA, and you gave facebook shit for calling you a worthless clickbait site. This is what they were talking about you dense narcissistic cunts.

Haven’t any fucking clue what that means, I know it’s a he-man reference but don’t get the context in this instance.

To the first one, no, not always, in this case, definitely. Since these cunts come from middle to upper middle class families to fucking begin with, so they’re hypocrites in that manner. So it becomes a pissing contest of who has the most money. It’s a spoiled brat author trying to take on a billionaire. They’re

That requires intelligence and he beats you in that regards a fucking mentally retarded child does just as well.

And he can financially ruin you, so there is that. Also you work for a site full of fucking cowards that only survive on destroying people’s lives for the stupidest shit and just being worthless cunts. Your families should have aborted all you worthless lecherous cunts. You’re fucking existence is just feeding off of

So why is he racist? Since he doesn’t want ILLEGALS in the country? And said that a judge whose parents are mexican may be prejudice on the matter since of his familial background. No you guys are just dumb cunts who lack logic and rational. Remember the key term you’re looking for is fucking “ILLEGALS” you dumb

“Mary Roach wants to you to be uncomfortable...”

Weird a live action dc film that’s shit. Who could have saw that coming. After Batman Returns DC was on a downward spiral and fuck anyone who says the dark knight movies were good.

Normally I’m on the whole “fuck Pokemon” side, but this is actually interesting. Maybe not enough to buy a 3DS, but this is definitely interesting.

Yes, but it would require you to either know how to code for the PS4 so that it recognises the fight stick as a native device, or you’d have to be good at disabling an existing controller and reconfiguring it to look and act like a fight stick. The latter would obviously be the easier option, but more expensive.

Why? He made it for himself only, they don’t have anything. He’s not selling it. It’s a pet project, they’d literally have nothing actionable.

I think it’s fucked up, to be honest. So you get back the $60 dollars or however much it is, and meanwhile potentially hundreds of dollars of your shit is lost to the ether later to be auctioned off to complete strangers so that the airlines can make more money off of the shit they misplaced. That’s kind of fucked up.

I don’t think it’s not not an old term, since think about that term and Europe. I think it was relevant in 1700s for a different reason, as in fleeing.

No, NoScript love? I use it, downthemall, antvideo, then some tab thing to save multiple tabs at once and manipulate multiple tabs too.

Would this work with a 3 wire system? Since I can’t easily find one that works with my Red Yellow Brown wire setup. outside this analog one I’m currently using.

Would this work with a 3 wire system? Since I can’t easily find one that works with my Red Yellow Brown wire setup.

Who is this prince of a man? He sounds fucking awesome. Well if soccer fails, then he can go into films like that one guy did, fuck what’s his name...Vinnie Jones?

I like you. you get it.