I wonder how shitty those videos look. Also did he grab a Priv?
I wonder how shitty those videos look. Also did he grab a Priv?
Yeah, but their princes are still alive.
It’s almost as if Gawker is trying to smear a person’s image once again by painting a false narrative.
I bought this for light work, since I live in a condo, ironically the worst attachment of them all is the Drill one. My Bosch that’s half its size is more powerful and capable. All the others seem fine, the Reciprocating saw one does have a nasty wobble to it, but that could be user error due to ignorance.
I bought this for light work, since I live in a condo, ironically the worst attachment of them all is the Drill one.…
Oh I do love Maya Angelou’s work.
I used to be shit at this, then I just added a 3in Binder ring to both my front door and back door of my condo. Then having some j-hooks I took from the multiple retail jobs I had, I attached flat hard drive magnets to them. Using them and the scissors I have on my keys (compact foldable ones that are stupidly sharp…
well I do have a kid I don’t like anymore and he likes playing with my keys, so “win win”? Also I’ll just tell them Ron White told me to do it.
One thing I FUCKING HATED about this was the fucker had to open up with some “I’m Jewish rant”, hey asshole, it’s not about you, fuck face, cut the shit and get to the Ali part. This isn’t the time to get on your “Jews aren’t evil” soapbox or to spread your personal agenda, fuck you.
You know who else use long roundabout phrasing, autistic people.
It’s like when people on TV say: “Don’t try this at home”. I get for legal reasons they have to, but how did they know what they know without first doing that dangerous thing at home or on their own. I went into exotic pet ownership, since I want to go into conservation and education. You’re constantly told x,y or z…
Wow, brave of you to post a video from a conservative youtube channel.
BMWs are pieces of overpriced shit, my mother loves them, but that car was in the shop every other month for some bullshit reason or other. They drive like crap and look old and dated. They’re the Oldsmobile of the luxury car world.
For free, no less.
Look at all that freedom. I thought they were endangered, they’re clearly not where ever this is.
You didn’t grow up in Illinois, everyone up north here fucking hates them.
Will the US and Canada ever get along?
Yeah it reeks of trying too hard.
Fuck off and die. No one gives a fuck. Did you bitch when they made Johnny Storm black for no fucking reason other than try to sell more tickets under the premise of being progressive? Did you bitch when they rebooted Ghostbusters with an all female cast for, again, no other reason but to sell more tickets and win…
Oh I do hope she’s regular.
Even I got it and the only final fantasy game I played was 2 on the PSP. I hated myself for getting it, but it just came to me. I didn’t think I was that big of a nerd.