alex beyer

What a cunt, good, fuck her. What is with these dumb motherfuckers not obeying cops? Also not a fucking unreasonable request by the cop, the stupid lippy cunt was just being belligerent since she wanted to. She’s too old to act like a moronic 20 something year old.

YUP, cable is saved, thank god./s (on the last part)

All of those “MSRP” values are usually bull. Edit: On amazon.

All of those “MSRP” values are usually bull. Edit: On amazon.

But my phrenologist and chiropractor said it works.

Is that Joss Whedon in the front singing?

And if you’re dealing with an autistic person that simple question will go on for hours, personally have been guilty of that myself as an Asperger’s person. I’ve gotten better of being more cognizant of it.

Huh, I wonder if that would work with a raccoon?

Ah, I thought it was, thanks for the heads up. Damn. Glad LH could properly inform people about that stipulation, oh wait.

I kind of hope it does, Gizmodo and Lifehacker were kind of the only good things about it with Lifehacker being the only muck free thing. The rest for the most part is just vile toxic shit especially Jezebel, Deadspin, and Gawker.

Night mode is crap, tried it on everything and the gross piss yellow color is annoying. Also LCDs + Night != a good mix. The problem is when you reduce the brightness on an LCD device the polarizing layer becomes annoyingly more apparent creating a distracting sheen. This is where the almighty AMOLED comes into play.

You’re just an annoying cunt, get a dick and shut the fuck up you cancerous hole. What is it with Gawker and Kinja that they’re just out there to fuck over everyone honest celebrities’ lives? Jesus fucking christ, I hope you cunts get shut down you worthless contribute nothing pieces of shit.

I did an experiment with that, just recently. I got 6 months out of my filter. I have a Pur system and when the light on the faucet started blinking red, I decided to nuke my filter. I placed it in a bowl of water so both ends were submerged and nuked it for a few minutes not to any discernible negative effects, then

In most cases they do slightly go up by $0.50-$1.00 every year or so. That’s why I now strictly buy generic if I can, or off brands. Thank god for Walmart who tends to keep those prices steady.

I bought a reusable mop, and it doesn’t even use batteries to squirt the homemade solution out, it’s all mechanical. That’s one thing I hate the most is having things that run out of a part over a relatively short period of time. That’s why I like permanent filters and what not since that’s where they rape you is on

Exactly, the fucker could repeat something to the wrong person and really fuck things up.

I think the trick could still work since it’s putting what you write in perspective and maybe forcing you to come at it from a different angle instead of trying to keep down the road you’re on which is what’s causing your writer’s block. So for example, you might think you want to say one thing and you become adamant

At the end of the day, you have to live with yourself. If you’re not happy with you, then you need to take care of that. You always comes before anyone else, since once you are in order you can make sure your shitty air isn’t affecting those around you and hindering your ability to take care of those you also need to

Do all of these and get labeled as someone with Asperger’s since normal people roll over and show their belly, or comply to everything. Fuck common sense. You’re just an asshole.

Why, they’re a sexist site that paints men as villains on a daily basis. That door swings both ways, sometimes the victims are really the abusers.

Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?