alex beyer

That’s kind of my go to trick, since honesty is so much more damning than lying can be since it shatters a person’s delusion and that can be that much more psychologically damning. It’s a very useful tool when dealing with self-absorbed narcissists who can’t see anything outside their own ass like my parents. Being

My sister was a fan of that too and ratting on me. Ah fun childhood memories.

It looks as cheap as it actually is, that’s the problem with these corner cutting hacks when it’s trying to imitate something expensive.

And I miss the telethons where you could buy a PBS tote or a lamb chop puppet.

Wait, he died in 1995? I thought it was a more recent passing, damn how time flies. He died when I was 7, I think that’s the time both of my grandparents died too, they couldn’t get their Ross fix so they gave up on life. It surely wasn’t the anger, alcohol or 10 packs a day that killed them.

Wraparound transparent aluminum film should do the trick. Though the tablet needs to be bright to go through said film. Look into antistatic bags, they’re usually conductive, especially if they’re the silver/grey kind.

Yeah, but even Hulu fucked that one up. They let you cater ads and I still get shit I don’t want to see.

I am totally fine with patreon like sites, and I don’t mind the YouTuber spoken ads for Audible or what not at the end or beginning of the video, I get it. I agree with everything you’ve said.

To his credit he did say he doesn’t care about adblocker since he’s made his, but as a YouTuber he does care that his fellow YouTuber’s are getting fucked by Adblock and those apps. So he’s being considerate.

The argument is and a super valid one is that it’s another subscription you have to pay for. A lot of people have paid into Netflix (8/m), Hulu(12/m ad-free), Prime(8.34/m), and Spotify(10/m), that right there is about $40 a month, and some have HBO Go(15/m), and Crunchyroll(7/m or 12/m premium+), and Xbox Live (5/m

Porn Tube sites still have malicious pop-ups, my favorite is the browser-hostage highjack done by the “FBI” that can be cured with a green dot prepaid card. Yeah, that’s how the FBI works, through extortion.

XDA is terrible for that, like if I’m trying to download a rom and I open a thread there’s the world’s largest ad with the 10^2pixel “X” box on my 2.5K Note 4 screen making it impossible to get to the rom I want. Luckily in my case the stylus is a godsend.

I’m always amazed with how crappy adsense is and how irrelevant their ads are to me. I thought Google’s thing was analytics and data mining to tailor ads to the user, apparently they do a crap job at that. Also most YouTubers now turn to Patreon-like sites and in-video advertisements, and I’m fine with that, those

As a person he seems super fucking intelligent and grounded. As a YouTuber, he’s fucking annoying, but he found a niche, owns the shit out of it and hasn’t degraded in quality even though he’s now making millions, so you have to respect that, and he’s still humble as shit and it comes off as super genuine. He’s a rare

That’s what makes them great, also Hinsdale’s darkening up quite a bit. Luckily Deerfield and Winnetka are rather white for Illinois. Last time I checked, blacks have been the center of turmoil for almost if not more than a millenia (moores, guerilla wars, de-clitting, cannibalism, child soldiers, perpetuating slavery

No adapters for those, huh?

Oh, sure, but that’s what happens when you have a company ran by actual nerds and not douches in black turtlenecks and blue jeans.

That’s the problem when nerds run a company, they’re not known for their marketing skills, just making things. They need at least one marketing nerd on the team to tell them what works and what doesn’t. They clearly don’t have that.

Then they’ll redact it and come out with Saiyan Classic.

What’s the weird purple/pink hue on the Mac, is that the antireflective coating?