alex beyer

My condo came with an ancient dishwasher, and it's one of the best I've ever used. I only get white powdery film on my plastic and only if I had something oily in it like pasta and olive oil and I didn't get rid of the base before hand. Anyone else notice this problem?

I just ran into mouse feet problems, mine were caused by them getting too roughed up, and scratched so they kept on catching on my mouse pad. I took some clear nail polish and gave them a new glossy coat. Good as new. I actually used New Skin this time around since it was what I had on hand and didn't have money for

Does that even play, or does the machine blow up?

Yes, always, but I still habitually use my alarm clock as a fail safe. Though I tend to wake up an hour before it goes off, and the closest I've ever come was 15 minutes before my alarm. Anything other than that and I'm going over or ignoring it.

That disturbing sound you're hearing is the universe imploding on itself.

We can go deeper, 3 or 4 xbox One connected to itself, let's see that lag.

God I feel bad for that one poor white guy. Also what pussy white guy gets offended by the word "cracker"? I laugh at that word. I know I'm a cracker. I go great with everything and when you're feeling bad I make you feel better.

I've gotten pulled over quite a bit, since someone has a lead foot and is Mr. Impatient. Anywho, I keep my hands on the wheel after rolling my window down and every important document I need is in my visor so that the officer can see my hands at all times. I'm always polite and courteous, I never gotten out of ticket

They probably use silver in their filters which is antimicrobial.

It's 100,000 but still impressive and still spanks 60 gallons.

That is more than understandable and unavoidable, but if you go out of your way to douse it in syrup that would be gross and offensive.

You can both go to hell and die, perverting eggs with a sauce or syrup. All you need is salt and pepper. Why I never.

I bought a telescopic Snow shovel that I've had to use once, It's purposely made as an emergency car shovel. It took forever to dig out my car.

As far as I could find. It stretches well though. I have it stretched on a 1600x900 display.

Why is it that these are always the most random relations? My friends third cousin twice removed on his mother's side's friends ex-wife's new father-in-law is making $80/hr for some bullshit, go to our link and get viruses and your identity stolen.

Wait what happened in Fukushima?

I use this one, since if I reinstall my OS the screen colors are terribly calibrated and highly washed out so it helps me recalibrate it while enjoying me some Super Mario World nostalgia:

Yeah I don't use mine a lot either, come to think of it. I stick with my Nova launcher and don't really use widgets, all that much.

Just stay away from flamers.

I'm starting to really enjoy the Themer app, along with Buzz Launcher they make getting a new look for your Android easy. Except Buzz does have a nasty habit of making you download more apps to make a theme a reality and sometimes they're paid apps :(