alex beyer

I know it's difficult to not watch that movie without a constant erection.

Archer is one of those rare shows that comes along and can be watched in order, out of order, or however, a million times and never not be awesome. I also liked his other works too; Sea Lab, Frisky Dingo and that spin-off Frisky Dingo show Xsticals(? Or whatever it was called).

Because Adrienne Barbeau did the voice of Catwoman in the 90s animated Batman series?

You're missing the Acid portion of that instructable. They used Lemon Juice, I've seen others use Vinegar.

Maybe he wanted us to pity it?

He clearly wasn't from the US so maybe wherever that awful accent is from, having watched enough British TV, I assume that it's Northern England. So back onto a less xenophobic track, I'm guessing the Pence is still copper heavy and or that one also looked rather old.

Well seeing how the teeth are clearly on the inside, Alligator would be wrong. It's clearly modeled after a badger.

Are you trying to say nothing can clean up messes? Since I've got some bleach and soap that begs to differ.

It's because it's clearly powered by smiles.

His parents must be Aye-Ayes

and baking soda, make quite the lethal cleaning combo. There isn't much that those two can't combat.

You don't have to do that, take a dry swiffer and then add a rag to it and push it down in the holes and it will stay in place, but I too am not a fan of wet swiffers. They also leave a film on the floor that has an odd staining property to it that becomes rather bothersome when you accidentally step in it before it

As I've said time and time again, you guys must be psychic. Every time I run into trouble or my parents ask me something, I can wait usually 24hrs and you'll have an oddly specific post answering my question. My parents comcast box got all messed up and I had to be there with them and the technician for over 5hrs and

I got mine on the date, and I'm currently using them. They're having trouble with my screen density and custom DPI settings. My phone is set to 480(about) defaultly, but I set mine to extra tiny at 320 DPI. So most of the themes I'm using are misaligned and slightly off. I'm going to try it back at the default

All of Oprah's doctor friends are shit, in my opinion they're well not hacks, but I guess shit works. The problem with TV doctors is that the advice that they give is very generic and only works on a very very small percentage of people. They never take into account the unique nature of people including race, age,

Let's just get this straight, there is only one type of cholesterol. There isn't any such thing as good or bad cholesterol. Now what it decides to attach to is a whole nother story. LDL and HDL are the vehicles that carry cholesterol to its destination. LD=Low density, HD=High Density and L=lipoprotein. LDL has a

I didn't mind it, she's attractive and nerdy looking, a very rare combo, as with being white and not a terrible dancer. I was waiting for the meta aspect then I discovered it, she now has about 1,186,205 views as of 6:04pm CST 9/30/13. So she definitely has a lot of views. Good for her.

I didn't mind it, she's attractive and nerdy looking, a very rare combo, as with being white and not a terrible dancer. I was waiting for the meta aspect then I discovered it, she now has about 1,186,205 views as of 6:04pm CST 9/30/13. So she definitely has a lot of views. Good for her.

Racing bike riders, adds a whole nother level of douche. After reading that other people had issue with this "Gang", I'm glad that the victim (and only victim) the RR driver didn't get any charges pressed against him for running over that piece of shit on the bike.

Wait, what? I don't think you can do that, or at least on my model you can't. I also forget to add that the eraser that this comes with is just plane awful and too hard and grainy/rough. I just end up using a pentel eraser pen where you push down or up on the shirt clip to dispense or retract the eraser tube. I